Sunday, February 12, 2017

Words at the Start of Black History Month 20170201

Words on the start of Black History Month and the start of humanity. "The fight over the blue gold is coming." There is so much wisdom in those words. The stressed and polluted water basins. The drained aquifers to exponentially deplete reservoirs that took thousands of years to reserve. Drilled. California to South Dakota. Oklahoma earthquakes. What happens after the last drop of Lake Mead is gone? What of India and China when billions confront starvation?
There was a time in my life where my father taught me the power of indigenous people through his bond of Louisiana hunting grounds, to respect the animals and plants in union. He still lives that way, but his mind while being a forester and a very real functional environmental conservationist does not vote that way or stand with what Standing Rock represents. Fox News and inculcated retirement television ideology depart from what is real into alternative realities with guns and black snakes. There is a bit of Luke Skywalker in me on this one.
For so many generations the world has repressed the presence of indigenous people and the link to the land. In the humanity of indigenous people we see the origin of our species genetically chained back to mother Africa through evolution and migration sailing the oceans long before Columbus. This threatens Abrahamic monotheisms tilting the neck of billions. Only through consciousness and embracing the root of humanity in blackness can we shed these illusionary barriers and embrace, exalt, and empower our universal interconnection to properly address the problems threatening our species' extinction.

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