Sunday, February 12, 2017

Milo goes to College - 20170201

Milo Yiannopoulous is groomed by Bannon to pervert politically correct culture into a tool of identity politics to get voters. Milo is a gay British cultural Jew college dropout who uses tabloid-style internet videos and posts to instigate reactions from liberals who try to use facts, by saying your facts are not real. Here are the alt-right facts. This is where Trump’s alternative facts term comes from on his second day in office. To the alt-right, the gender wage gap is not real. American females are already more than equal given college graduation rates. Feminists are haggard militant angry women who just need to get laid by a man.
As a gay culturally-Jewish male his barbs are particularly effective in contrast to the traditional heterosexual WASP spokesman for the Right. Yiannopoulous does not seem so much political as a hired flamethrower to aggravate the shit out of liberals and get conservatives to laugh giddy at how annoyed self-righteous femi-nazi’s and millennial activists appear. Milo wants to go to college and trigger protests. It is part of the Trump-agenda reality show and triggered liberals tend to bite the artificial lure. If you are clicking on his articles or the ones condemning him tonight you are doing just that. Do what you want, but those clicks add up to people who run media deciding what to give attention to and post. Look who that put in the White House. There are people and events to protest. Milo is not one of them.
If there is anything to learn from Milo it is the weakness in identity politics as a political strategy. Also Milo does a decent job of pilfering criticisms of fundamentalist Islamic governments from the grave of Christopher Hitchens and bastardizing his genius with nonsense and flamboyant target practice to create a viral video. The most dangerous lie is one with some truth in it.
The anti-P.C. alt-right agenda works particularly well on older conservatives who do not understand the post-civil rights era well and on younger male progeny who are piloting universities with look-how-big-my-dick is as evidenced by how disrespectful I can be to women as a tool for sex. There is a hunter gatherer strong men take aspect and wimpy P.C. feminist men are walking-vajay-jays thing happening. There is counterreaction to the feminization of the liberal male by the fraternity and football-bar bro. The math has a lot to do with sex and repression of sex.
The alt-right uses obscenities forbidden for religious right conservatives. Trump that bitch. Make fun of: the handicapped, homosexuals, safe spaces, P.C. acronyms, and start racial brushfires. Use anti-Semitic slurs. Engage a constant attack on feminists to counterpunch Hillary Clinton’s base of white women to prompt inter-female aggression. In the misogynistic lens, good women of the alt-right get laid by a man she serves in the libido adventures of the alt-right troll.
The attractive mechanism in Milo’s actions are the support of free speech, even troll speech. He intentionally goes to P.C. bastion colleges and created confrontations between college Republican groups and protesters for Black Lives Matters and feminist groups. He wants ridiculousness. The point of the troll is the reaction and the infancy of misunderstanding how to react to the opponent is why Milo’s presence permeated the internet and helped alt-right media affect the 2016 U.S. presidential election.  The alt-Right wants a divided-issue Left.

If the fractional Left continues to champion identity politics issues: black lives matters, women's march, environmentalism, immigration, labor unions, etc. in factions rather than a singular consolidated progressive agenda the Left is divided and weaker.  This is the major political error of politically correct culture because facts get buried in this idea as if to care about an issue the issue has to be related to one's ego and self-identification.  The Republicans crafted this with Christianity paired with Capitalism in the 1950's and the perverse agenda has co-opted what is moral or good into what is about how I see myself in my America.  
Trump mimicked this strategy on the campaign trail. Build that Wall! Trump that Bitch! Crooked Hillary. Show the emails! Muslim ban. Detention camps. Abortion ban. Defund Planned Parenthood. Climate change is a Chinese conspiracy. I don’t know Putin. Locker room talk. Panel of rape accusers for Bill Clinton night of the last debate. I will only show my tax returns after the audit is over. I don’t pay taxes. These are incendiary statements contrary to a typical opponent’s strategy. This is David versus Goliath where David is an annoying pompous orange cheese puff-looking slow-roll Keyser Soze in the weeds against a woman with plenty of skeletons of her own.
Trump announces on his third day in office he will not release his tax returns. He says voters do not care. The press is using alternative facts about his inauguration crowd size. This is re-framed language for the word lies. As a political reality Democrats and the press are going to milk the tax story forever, which will serve as a distraction for Trump's true agenda. This is the liberal feminist in the college auditorium yelling at Milo with facts.
Facts do not work on Trump. He ignores them. The alt-right twists arguments into convenient alternative facts. Swallow. Kellyanne Conway hair shrug. The post-truth internet currently does not demand facts.
Trump wants a circus. He wants a reality show. He wants the spotlight on him so that his unqualified department heads and the professional politicians and congress can re-engineer laws and programs to shift trillions of dollars in the global economy while the press and his opponents focus on his gyrations and vortex of ego.
Some of his agenda like the Mexican wall are intentional distractions. Others like tax cuts are not. Threatening military action against Iran is horrendous and should scare the hell out of anyone. Milo is a tool being paid very well to normalize a very dangerous agenda to better the rival news network to Fox News in Bannon's Brietbart and gaslight the world and sell oil. Please if you are a progressive think before you click, but you can click on this link it's a kickass Descendents song. 

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