Sunday, January 29, 2017

Reality show: Muslim ban 20170128

The Steaming-Teapot Despot’s level of ignorance implodes the soul of America into a sniveling fearful petulant child cross with the arrogance of blind comfort.  The pox of pious judgment from unholy men cakes the hypocrisy of right-wing Christian xenophobia to cull the last flecks of Jesus form the Republican Party.  Abiding consent is consent.  There is no Christ is an immigration ban.
There was no Christ in Obama’s drone bombs or George Bush’s Iraq cratering the arts of Aleppo.  There was no Christ in the fires of Ho Chi Minh City.  There was no Christ in American slavery.  Smarmy Snatch-grabber is a long froth of a fetid brew. 

Tests of women and men of quality of heart based on religious beliefs is unconstitutional.  Such filtering is the very root of the American plantation that bore this vitriol in systemic culmination of repugnant xenophobia. 

This is unintelligent goading that causes pain. Muslims have suffered more than any group on Earth from Islamic terrorism. These are the very people America needs to abate the pernicious seed of global fundamentalism. This course of action alienates America's greatest potential allies in our citizenry and abroad from pursuing the extermination of that seed in favor of fertilizing it. Islam is love. Christianity is love. Judaism is love.
America was founded on genocide by Puritans facing persecution after the Thirty Years War seeking refuge sailing in the false illusions of Manifest Destiny. We must reckon our identity here and now in the orders of a narcissistic elitist carnival barker.
Is this who we are? Mosques in flames. Families ripped open for public spectacle. Are we to go as Rome? A pox o’ your throat, you bawling, blasphemous, incharitable dog!

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