Sunday, February 12, 2017

Krew du Vieux Trumpery 2017

The waking eyes of Mardi Gras blinking kraken of lampoon
Putin on a unicorn sodomizing Cheeto Jesus
The Angry Creamsicle Don’t Piss and Tell
Ukrainian Hopak dance over a covert porn film

Discussing with a fellow member of the crowd
How many prostitutes do you think other people
Have purchased for Captain Breath Mint to create the lie
That women want to fuck him? Just show up somewhere he is?

Never sees the receipt, but deducts it on his tax return
Expense report for employee Superfluous Loser or
Foreign government videographer 
Agreement with wives I own you; I can fuck whomever

You present the image of a married man for the cameras
Raise one of the five kids the world knows about
While Playboy plays with his daddy-money
Gorgonzola Gekko, Vortex of Vanity, Scrooge McDrumpf

Lady Liberty holding sickle and hammer
Putin-stroika Trump-nost,  Electile Dysfunction
How to Lie Like Donald J. Trump for Dummies
Yellow Book Doctor Seuss Hat

Tuba Fat stomp step, puffed brown cheek blow
Gentrified crowd and black rhythm section
Make America Grope Again Octopus tentacle gripping panties
The Civilized World to America WTF?????

Papier Mache golden feather toupee art
Jabba the Schmuck fat lard AlieNation
Purple-haired Krewe Delusion goddesses
Burlesque of Carrie Fishers of resistance

Gather ye tired, poor, huddled masses
Yearning to bare naked the emperor of Kanagawa's wave on Decatur Street
Your wretched punks, hip hop hipsters, and tempest poets
Refuse your teeming walled shore, lift the Constitution’s lamp

Alternate Reality Alternative Facts
Phallic crowns of horse-toothed crude  
Mama Roux’s Rouxling Crass
Let them eat King Cake, guillotine


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