Sunday, February 12, 2017

Dueling Pink Protets - 20170212

Federal funding does not fund abortions in America. Your tiny protest is factually ignorant to the giant pink-one. Hyde Amendment. Just because some people are sexually repressed does not mean the majority has to suffer libido delusions. Adult table discussion. If federal funding did, which it should, abortions are legal and a choice of women and men in this world. Yes, men choose abortion too. Unspoken, hush. Calling all men. Stand up for women and assertion if you choose pro-choice. Abstention in silence does not absolve one from co-participation in the sexual act or resulting pregnancies. The party of self-determination needs to recognize another person does not have a right to determine what happens to another person's body. If you want my kidney I can tell you no. If you a third party to the equation wants to stop me from ceasing another human from using my body you cannot. I get to choose. #ProchoiceforLife

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