Sunday, February 12, 2017

Trump on Iran - 20170203

Piecing together the potential war with Iran military equation based on the theme of actions Trump's administration is orchestrating. The global shift to the Chinese Yuan over the U.S. Dollar exposes the false deflationary pressure that maintains the American financial oligarchy. The world needs our currency so dollars remain in demand keeping the dollar valuable, so the spending power of American firms stretches further on an international scale. You can look at China's trade deal with Russia to switch in 2014, you can look at Libya, Iraq, Venezuela, and the grand daddies: Europe and the remainder of O.P.E.C. This is one of the primary reasons the U.S. is so tight with Saudi Arabia and overlooks their horrendous violations of human rights, the House of Saud, and ties to 9/11. Americans are being marketed to right now to start to hate Iranians under an alternative facts administration. Normally when the American people are lied to there is a line, wherever that line is, it is zooming past Nixon territory on an hourly basis. Don't believe the bull shit about this extreme vetting. America already has some of the most extreme standards of legal immigration on the planet. This oh a new human got elected to the magic chair so everything has to be re-evaluated for 30 days is complete childishness. Adults look at empirical evidence and speak from knowledge, not visceral feelings of ignorance.
When the Trump administration does things like say Iran is on notice, what this means is that it has already been decided: the Trump administration wants a military campaign to notch its bedpost it can call its own. If you want to think broader and think how does a potential WWIII come out of this. Well if you ask, who does Russia side with in the oil war. China and Russia paired in 2014 on currency. Iran announces intent to switch. Africa and Dafur are directly related to Chinese buying genocide oil. The American government systematically tries to eliminate or undermine the power of governments threatening to change currencies. This is a systematic pattern that predates Trump by a long shot.
So if the Chinese economy gets the Yuan to fund O.P.E.C. then you get to the idea the biggest purchaser of oil on Earth, the U.S. military suddenly has to pay a whole lot more to go to war. You have Exxon as Secretary of State, oil at the EPA, an oil-bro at the department of Energy, we can see the risks or we should. Which side are you on, which side is your government on?

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