Saturday, September 19, 2015

Thoughts on the film: Human - 20150917

Mass Iraqi graves, live bodies trucked to pits 120 degrees lined nameless, sixty-three sites in southern Iraq alone, eight million dollars found buried in the garden of Saddam Hussein’s personal secretary, adulteries buried in sand; injustice bribes traded for basic services or monomaniacal dictators capriciously stinging death’s scythe for the inference of transgression to indicate usurpation to the absoluteness of what is to be an Earthen god.  Wars raining death upon the Poor squished ants scurrying out the hill done nothing but to be human attempting existence pressed to the brink from birth so that death is accepted.  There remains no fear for living is a manner of perdition imbedded to the spirit soaking so that the torture of any transition between breathing and not is but an exhalation of release into succor.  This fearlessness terrifies the globe. 

The screw tightened to make a woman prostitute her body to feed her children.  A lesbian engage in sex with a man unwittingly transacting H.I.V. to present appearances of a heterosexual norm to her elders.  A boy raped by his father, beaten and marginalized until deciding the maw of the street is a safer chamber.  The callused hands of a sugar cane worker chopping reed upon reed until there is pay to eat for the day, but never two days, so in one missed equates to death.  The choice between medicine or food is incalculable discretion of a human squelched into the animal pit, disposed and incinerated into the pyre.

A solider and an insurgent eyeing scope line to vision endured to shake fear in the conflict bigger than their bodies reverberating the universe to please cessation enacting death.  Family land razed by a corporate interest corrupting the eco-chain so that starvation becomes the logo on the plant separating a stomach’s livelihood via a stock price.  Rice, medicine, oil, sugar, cocaine, cattle, opium, eggs, and the industries of fire and hurricanes hustle for bodies to churn the butter. 

Syrian desert storms quashing the tide of Arab Springs, Said’s Orientalism spraying pestilence empathy of who deserves to live, to be heard, to be understood beyond a strutting sand-zombie coming to root a  Euro-job for a place to avoid bombardment as if a choice remains in countries like Iraq, Sudan, Afghanistan, or Syria torn apart by war.  Not my problem like a battle flag belief of lines so that no one is a citizen of the world when viewed in the macroscopic whitewash.  Only in papers and mathematics of safety zones, winners and losers and rising tides with necks long and not long enough mapped out into the armpits and nose hairs of the Earth tightened waistband of the equator flushing heat and diversity of species into a monoculture of consumerism. 

The price paid for Bangladeshi fabric or a Chinese assembly line of bottles inspected like a Ukrainian bribe for a pass to urinate without being beaten into quarantine imprisoned without being rolled into a rug and flogged.  Orwell’s 1984 head cage of rats gnawing at the ear lobes and nostrils of humanity pecking out flesh.  The news-speak and regurgitated power expectations of who has and who has not and how the resources are motivated to comply to activate the daily machines of trading the time one has on this Earth for the time of another.  We trade labor for equity, the privilege to eat, to sleep without ample threat of death imploding the roof or buzzing the window in a pinprick of blood sloshing the pillow.

What is a proper justification for war in this vat of injustice?  Which god is watching and for what purpose?  What is the purpose of this Haitian isle enslaved and raped into a French cholera outbreak defecating in the streams of drink?  What is Putin’s sledge and oil drill peppering Crimea into compliance to pay the tithe?  What is the tax deduction for the pulpit? 

The immigrant sings, “AaaaAhhhAaaaaAhhh!” crossing the border in a ship of 110 bodies taking on water praying for Italian grace.  What is the smuggler’s lament?  What is Trump’s xenophobic wall?  Who wears the Mockingjay? 

The simple look of one into the eyes of another, “I see you. I hear you.”  This drive to contribute to the pile of bodies struggling and helping and killing and loving and holding and destroying and witnessing the grand circus is the undulating bond of interconnection.  This is to be, human.  

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