Thursday, September 3, 2015

20150831 Punch

Sometimes what we need most is a punch to the face,
Firm, jarring, dental dislodge,
Proboscis violet flushed and hung like a red umbrella. 

The numb shock of where did the rocket fist generate
Launched out of the vestibule of errant fury
Hirsute knuckle aligned wrist to radius and ulna bashing

Twirling tornado of agendas as if blame had a god damn thing to do with it
That moment sinking in the black haze dissipation
That it was your own clenched ego holding on to the past
Huddled digits booming in across the bow

Throttling round the revolution of the planet a year later
Cataclysmically to release your fingers to let go

By breaking their grip upon the nutty confines of your cranium 

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