Saturday, September 19, 2015

Take the Pill - 20150915

Refusing to submit to psychiatric medicine is like an atheist staring contest with god
I don’t want the pill to ease the burden; the relief from Simon on the march
It’s like the last remnant of Christ pumping through the blood in my brain
The trembling aneurism ready to burst in a shrapnel blast of thorns

The depression and the cherry on top smirking that if god is there; fuck god
I want whatever this blessing is I want to drink the bottle straight, no chaser
No tonic water, just the booze-cunt raw slurp it in the two a.m. narcoleptic fevers
Nothing to ease the focus of the altered me; I want to be a disaster

I want to rampage in this isolation like a wolverine tearing apart pig pens and mutton chunks
Gnashing teeth red dripping blasphemy in the rape before the sunset
Defiling the muddy pits with a dervish pain debauchery that this is what love does
This is the knees on the rice in the corner facing the wall spewing in Latin

The hell-whiskey of father coming in demanding the plates immaculate
And thrusting them bolt-like to the kitchen tiles having the children sweep
The canine feces on the shoe trucking through the carpet sliding the wretched stench
Visceral into nostrils reminding the derelict nature of time’s cascade

That there does not have to be reconciliation before the reckoning
All the repentance, the foster, the Malaria bugs nesting in eyeballs
The Aids victims fornicating unabated tolls ringing from Notre Dame
Drop dead into the chalice melt into the vinous brew

I drink it; I drink you stare back and grin never breaking eye contact 

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