Friday, September 11, 2015

A Poem for the World on Nine-Eleven 20150911

The heat of summer lingering in that alien taint of foreign land
Homs breaks in the aperture of shattered glass and ramshackle stucco
Odd collections of education pasted in rebar and concrete mortar amusement
Stateside swimming pools and Jurassic World global gross box office thumping

And some kids are not going back to school this autumn

Outside al-Assad civil war and rebellion and the Reagan orthodox of chaos and order
Fundamentalism and fascism with the will of the people in the fulcrum of a playground seesaw
Lit up in the firefight of Damascus scatter smoke ISIS and the roaches in the bag of wheat
Scattering out into a crumpled kitchen with no electricity to bake leavened bread

Ba’ath Party routines of towels left in a cabinet to set foot on an oil slicked floor
Segregating coagulating ink blots in a bombardier painted Rorschach test of global empathy
Puddles of blood twenty two and a half million Syrians, two-hundred and fifty thousand dead
Eighteen million in country with forty plus percent displaced and four million more refugees

Turkey, Lebanon, Iraq, Egypt, Jordan for most and a few thousands trek mercenary night-boats
To bankrupt E.U. bailout Greek isles and the world media goes ape-shit
Trump is bloated chicken-wig pimping Mexican walls and New York is still picturing
Phantom airplanes colliding with the ghosts of buildings in cake-dust zombies unloading at Ellis Island

We are watching a Neanderthal bed a firecracker in an ant hill over Arab Spring pots boiling over expediting his own extinction
Four years later of domestic gassing nameless masses and Aylan Kurdi washes up on a beach
Smugglers and rape, Afghanistan, Eritea: Bomaye! Bomaye! Bomaye!
Play battleship in the Mediterranean for a stock price and hold the Euro

While Putin and Xi Jinping fund a proxy to show what happens to uprising
Stem a tide in another nation’s blood to prove that if Russia or China is willing to fund al-Assad
To put bullets into the bellies of his own; they would be open and have done the same
If anyone came for their heads and so the viscera of powerful men clench fuels of control spent in fear

While ISIS spins in a slide scale dervish whisking fundamentalist theistic rhetoric
Throughout like chaos itself splintering minds and bombing hearts
America is willing to stay clear because the old lesson of Vietnam forgotten fourteen years ago today
With xenophobic NASCAR revving USA! USA! USA! is suddenly recollected to

Play with the shits left in the kitty litter in Baghdad and the urine soaked sheets waving goodbye in Kabul
For red rover, red rover, Putin come over and smack the fuck out of ISIS birthed out of our bush
You can have Ukraine just don’t make us enter the game, because the Dow is up, unemployment down
And America is war-weary and the sounds of bodies leaping off towers had a cinematic ending to the trilogy of helicopter seals shooting Bin Laden in India’s splinter Islamic appendix

And we, we got nothing for this, but staring up on a google search for a few names and a tomb-less lurch
Of bodies crawling out our own insides to see one humanity and yet abide
The way of is, the way of was, to let the water flip over the boat of distraction before it gets to us

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