Saturday, September 19, 2015

Dear Pro-Lifer A Question - 20150918

Do you realize the abortion debate in America is used to marginalize thinking humans into single issue voters to mask what politicians do with the rest of your vote behind the curtain of your abstention of volition?  This is mainly done to perpetuate a patriarchal system that streamlines the idea of women into valuation based on birthing chattel as a uterine mechanism in the service of males in the equivalent of a cooking pot.  Women become defined by bodies rather than permitted to be complex.  There is a reason the closest reasonable answer a Republican presidential dais can come up on which women’s visage to put on the ten dollar bill is Rosie Parks or a suggestion of his mother or wife.  There is a reason the issues of paid maternity leave, equal pay for equal work, child care assistance, and supporting women’s health care providers are serviced by cricket chirping silence.

The idea of a complex woman standing out directing, contributing, or foundationally consequential to the history of American humanity has been so repressed that the best the leading Republican candidate can muster is his daughter’s name or a comment on how beautiful or pretty a woman is, as if physical traits of a man’s perception of attractiveness were relevant measurements of worth. 

The Pro Life movement focuses on in utero terminology and viability predominately under the guise of religion as a false address of moral concern where no fiscal or physical action point is generated post birth to support the birthed human on a systematic scale commensurate with the dominate social concerns most parents would seek out abortion in the first place. 

Abortion is about the parental ability to support a child emotionally, fiscally, spiritually, and mentally.  No great society can substitute for a parent on a macroscopic level and function with the same prowess as genetic self-interest provides.  The Pro Life movement is not correlated with funding the children thrust into the foster and adoption systems on a commensurate level or even a significant fractional level of the dollars that are tithed and harvested by political and religious groups to market the idea of creating a fishermen’s net of crimping laws to marginalize the options a woman has to choose or access abortion or reproductive related healthcare services.  The flare gun of the patriarchy active in the cognitive distortion is blatant. 

A significant number of Republicans in Congress are threatening to shut down the government again.  This time it is not the Affordable Healthcare Act, but defunding Planned Parenthood.  This is despite no government funding going to abortive services.  This is despite the facts that sexual education, sexual health screenings, and birth control services not only prevent more abortions than Planned Parenthood preforms with self-generated revenues, but provides for the better health and well-being of the children who do come to term based on the election of his or her mother.

The government regulations over what a woman does with her uterus and vagina should be whatever the hell a woman wants to do with her body, particularly for the American party purporting to be most about personal responsibility and freedom.  It is such a simple concept summed up with yes a fetus is a human and we all agree that we as a society make choices of priorities including killing other humans.  Otherwise the military would not exist, capital punishment would not exist, and police officers permitted to kill people would not exist.  Medical procedures that are exhausted to perpetuate the life of some are not enacted for others strictly due to what taxpayers are willing to pay.  The idea of citizenship matters on who lives and who dies.  These are all illusions and lies we tell ourselves to feel good when head is set to pillow in an often capricious, unpredictable, and random world. 

To have the audacity as if you are morally good with your idea of god by creating this false crusade that asks you to do little more than campaign for this false catch-all for life in being anti-choice related to humans contemplating abortion or euthanasia is a false service.  It is as if signing up for a law that demands all people under forty to fly out to Iraq or Afghanistan to wage war when you happen to be forty one.  It is like a majority male-led political party knowing only a woman can choose abortion or not wanting to take her choice away. 

Being pro-life asks you to do nothing as a single issue.  Sure you may adopt and support foster services, but to do so and be anti-choice fails to connect the strain on the current systems and services on not only a national, but global scale.  One cannot praise a border wall or the barbed wire greeting card to a refugee and claim an absolute respect for life.  The Pro-Life movement is a costume for an absolute respect for life.  There is no absolute respect for life.  We all make choices, most of us based on our ego, self-identification, group-identification, that line where the volition of other starts to create a burden on our energies and efforts so as to make our life less pleasurable or free or arduous. 

The choice of abortion is just that for most parents; the option to make a life less arduous.  Please explain to the face of a parent who has been in that situation how my right to choose made your life more arduous and please do not have the audacity to attempt to speak for the unborn. 

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