Friday, February 17, 2017

Translation of incoherent toddler president babble… 20170216

I am given words to inflate my ego.  I spout them.  I do not verify them.  Either I do not pay attention to basic political information like who wins the U.S. presidency and by how much in recent history because that is how little a fuck I give about this job.  I am supreme leader.  Fuck you.  Shut up.  You are worthless liars.  I am big.  You are small.

Look, shit went down with Russia.  People around me were doing shit.  I don’t read or command jack.  People just tell me shit.  My filter is questionable.  I really don’t like working this hard.  Typically I get four blow jobs a day by six different women.  I am down to two and Melania keeps getting out of her cage in the tower.

Bannon was up to something.  It worked.  I pulled him into my Beltway.  This fling with Vladdy Daddy is not going to end well.  You know it.  He knows it.  I could bomb the fuck out of one of his little dinghies off the coast of wherever the fuck someone tells me it is right now.  I could push the button.  It’s a fabulous button.  I had Priebus put a big T on it.  Do you want to see the button?  Field trip let’s all go see the button. 

I keep it in my toupee closet with my S&M gear where Melania ties me up and feeds me caviar in a suppository laced with opioids.  Classy.  Big league Dungeon.  Gold leaf choker. I got a cock ring with my nickname for my dick on it, “Tangerine Torpedo.”  

You Jew don’t ask a bullshit hard-ball question.  Ok sit down.  I am the least anti-Semitic and racist person in the history of my pure blood line at least relative to Republicans.  I mean come on people you can’t expect me not to be at least a little bit resentful about a Jew porking my daughter.  I hired Bannon.  I mean get with it.  You can’t hold me to Clinton rules.  He had to make nice with the blacks.  And Kenyan Obama, fuck well America had enough of that.  Did you see my numbers?

Quiet, quiet, quiet. You token, what you got?  CBC what the fuck is that?  Who?  You must know them, because all black people know each other.  I know that because I am quote, and I am president so I can quote myself about not being racist while being racist, “the least racist person.”  So gather your blacks, gather your blacks for me. 

Look I didn’t promise anything about misogyny.  Women are here to serve me.  Quiet.  Clap, Clap.  Set up that meeting that they emailed me about in January but I ignored because I was planning my golf weekend with the rich folk at my own Floridian playground that the taxpayers pay to fly me and my entourage to stay.  Sweet deal.  Making a killing.  I sell a shit-ton of space so you can watch the Donald in action.  Opulence I has it.  Trump out.  

Reality Show Translation of actual Press Conference pieces were skipped but these were actual words used 20170216

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Well, no, I was told—I was given that information. I don’t know. I was just given it. We had a very, very big margin.

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Well, I don’t know. I was given that information. I was given—I’ve—actually, I’ve seen that information around. But it was a very substantial victory. Do you agree with that?

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Well, the leaks are real. You’re the one that wrote about them and reported them. I mean, the leaks are real. You know what they said. You saw it. And the leaks are absolutely real. The news is fake, because so much of the news is fake. ...

I can handle a bad story better than anybody, as long as it’s true. And, you know, over a course of time, I’ll make mistakes, and you’ll write badly, and I’m OK with that. But I’m not OK when it is fake. I mean, I watch CNN. It’s so much anger and hatred and just the hatred.

JIM ACOSTA: You said that the leaks are real, but the news is fake. I guess I don’t understand. It seems that there’s a disconnect there. If the information coming from those leaks is real, then how can the stories be fake?

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Well, the reporting is fake. Look, look—
PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Russia is a ruse. ...
Are you a friendly reporter? Watch how friendly he is. Wait, wait. Watch how friendly he is. Go ahead.

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: You see, he said he was going to ask a very simple, easy question. And it’s not.

JAKE TURX: It’s an important one.

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: It’s not. Not a simple question, not a fair question. OK, sit down. I understand the rest of your question.
So here’s the story, folks. Number one, I am the least anti-Semitic person that you’ve ever seen in your entire life. Number two, racism—the least racist person. In fact, we did very well relative to other people running as a Republican.

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Quiet, quiet, quiet. See, he lied about—he was going to get up and ask a very straight, simple question. So, you know, welcome to the world of the media. ...

APRIL RYAN: Well, when you say—when you say the inner cities, are you going to—are you going to include the CBC, Mr. President, in your conversations with your urban agenda, your inner city agenda, as well as dealing—

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Am I going include who?

APRIL RYAN: Are you going to include the Congressional Black Caucus and the Congressional Hispanic Caucus—

APRIL RYAN: —as well as on the—

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: I tell you what—do you want to set up the meeting? Do you want to set up the meeting?

APRIL RYAN: No, no, no.
PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Are they friends of yours?

APRIL RYAN: I’m just a reporter.
PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: No, get a—set up the meeting.

APRIL RYAN: I know some of them, but I’m sure they’re watching right now.
PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Let’s go. Set up a meeting.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

My Little Valentine 20170214

At home alone in ten years stacked like A.A. chips
Licking gum tissue with my tongue rounding the space
Four front teeth used to be
I can make a rectangle

Lips get chapped at night
Distance where the bottom edges of the frontal incisors
Would create separation, alignment
Is off

Sticky inner flesh of lip dries externally
Exposed in compacted urges to smile
A fulcrum given up to asking questions aloud
Wanting a fox to chase

The demisexual flint fails to light 
The fur of fantasies in the shower drain
Pillow talk
Conversations of head turned to the left

Imagining, “Where are you?” like a feather
Floating in another human’s bedroom
Like the quantum entanglement in the beaks of robins
Knowing positioning of the equator and the pole

Weight in heart pondering the ticks of nights
Pressing keyboard and scribbled notebook
The murky pond of wanting to be alone
The synthetic companionship of yoga

Being around bodies in the liminal distance
Where every face looks like infinity blurring
I have never known who to talk to in this world
Do not want to bother the cat people putting out fires

The past ten years, the twenty-eight before that
Pellet stoic and succumbed
Warm and needing to piss
Finding it difficult to rationalize turning on the air conditioner

For one body with children gone and dead
Stories of milk carton lovers who text fables
Cud limericks of silence and crumpled squishy ink
Bin of almost words

Sam Cooke’s archer felled to the inanity of Phil Collins Sussudio
Blaring the buzz-feed and the tinder, bumble, digital watering hole
Parched appetite for the emaciated  
Drinking bloody Mary and depression cherries

The stark laughter of hiding inside novels of acquaintance
Spoken to mirrors failing to recollect what together feels like
And it hits in the placid chilling darkness of a cornered mongrel
This bauble inside shimmering illusion

The conversations like unopened letters one keeps
Break in case of emergency
That there might be solace beneath the silence
If one is presented with a scenario that clarifies

Wishing you still believed in prayer or god or some variable
That there were a set of actions of putting oneself into the engine
Ground and oil slicked with invention to participate in the speed race
One could ride this entropy into love

Breaking apart this fossilized notion of type-writer days
Please leave the light on  


Self forgiveness is a conversation with an ancient being
Wrestling one a.m. Scotch and ice staring into the page
Thinking of a decade dry in the infinite nature  
Staying creative on a daily basis

Surfing the limen of what life exposes
Like an ocean eroding a beach
Fractal mirror in the beachhead
Clutching identity in the specificity of definitive form

I am the ocean
Infinite shapelessness
Find writing in that space

As I let go of the granular penchants inside
To say this is who I am
Find new territory
Exploring the undefined darkness of closed eyelids

Painting there is so much easier
Sometimes just being a person is fucking exhausting
Have to take the naked off
Free up all that is bubbling inside in a well of words 

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Krew du Vieux Trumpery 2017

The waking eyes of Mardi Gras blinking kraken of lampoon
Putin on a unicorn sodomizing Cheeto Jesus
The Angry Creamsicle Don’t Piss and Tell
Ukrainian Hopak dance over a covert porn film

Discussing with a fellow member of the crowd
How many prostitutes do you think other people
Have purchased for Captain Breath Mint to create the lie
That women want to fuck him? Just show up somewhere he is?

Never sees the receipt, but deducts it on his tax return
Expense report for employee Superfluous Loser or
Foreign government videographer 
Agreement with wives I own you; I can fuck whomever

You present the image of a married man for the cameras
Raise one of the five kids the world knows about
While Playboy plays with his daddy-money
Gorgonzola Gekko, Vortex of Vanity, Scrooge McDrumpf

Lady Liberty holding sickle and hammer
Putin-stroika Trump-nost,  Electile Dysfunction
How to Lie Like Donald J. Trump for Dummies
Yellow Book Doctor Seuss Hat

Tuba Fat stomp step, puffed brown cheek blow
Gentrified crowd and black rhythm section
Make America Grope Again Octopus tentacle gripping panties
The Civilized World to America WTF?????

Papier Mache golden feather toupee art
Jabba the Schmuck fat lard AlieNation
Purple-haired Krewe Delusion goddesses
Burlesque of Carrie Fishers of resistance

Gather ye tired, poor, huddled masses
Yearning to bare naked the emperor of Kanagawa's wave on Decatur Street
Your wretched punks, hip hop hipsters, and tempest poets
Refuse your teeming walled shore, lift the Constitution’s lamp

Alternate Reality Alternative Facts
Phallic crowns of horse-toothed crude  
Mama Roux’s Rouxling Crass
Let them eat King Cake, guillotine


Dueling Pink Protets - 20170212

Federal funding does not fund abortions in America. Your tiny protest is factually ignorant to the giant pink-one. Hyde Amendment. Just because some people are sexually repressed does not mean the majority has to suffer libido delusions. Adult table discussion. If federal funding did, which it should, abortions are legal and a choice of women and men in this world. Yes, men choose abortion too. Unspoken, hush. Calling all men. Stand up for women and assertion if you choose pro-choice. Abstention in silence does not absolve one from co-participation in the sexual act or resulting pregnancies. The party of self-determination needs to recognize another person does not have a right to determine what happens to another person's body. If you want my kidney I can tell you no. If you a third party to the equation wants to stop me from ceasing another human from using my body you cannot. I get to choose. #ProchoiceforLife

No Words

Betsy DeVos

Purchasing Democracy and a cabinet position. Great lesson for students about how America really works. Betsy DeVos is married to Dick DeVos, worth around 5 billion. Dick was the 2006 GOP nominee for Michigan governor. Dick's dad co-founded Amway and is former president of the NBA's Orlando Magic. Hard work marrying a man who inherited a fortune from his father.
Her brother, Erik, founded Blackwater, the security firm involved in the controversial Nusoor Square shooting in Iraq in 2007. She is the daughter of Elsa Prince Broekhuizen, who donated $450,000 to a 2008 campaign that opposed same-sex marriages in California.

Yemeni Night Raids - 20170204

Remember that little part of law how congress is supposed to approve when we go to war on a country? Bush, to Obama, to Trump the legacy of America's global war from the executive branch was a dangerous precedent expanding in an unending war. When you kill civilians with night raids, drones, and hired Blackwater mercenaries through JSOC you fight a hydra. America creates a kill list and in the process lengthens the list by eliminating one name. When you see articles like this, do not blame Trump, blame American fear. This has been going on for over a decade.

I Am Not Your Negro - Film go see it - 20170204

I got to see I am not your Negro last night. Highly recommend. The film to me was a mirror to America. The triad of Malcolm, Martin, and Medgar are juxtaposed with Baldwin's artistry and human presence to plant the seed of questioning of how white America can justify the presupposition of entitlement to treat black America and indigenous America as lesser. The burden of the premise is shifted into the consciousness of the viewer to juxtapose the illusions of Doris Day and Gary Cooper with the realities of lynchings and slavery to pivot the surrealism into a pallid mirror to the shininess of 1950's white-washed appliances and picket fences. The statement I am a man is revolutionary to the insanity of the premise of supremacy and echoes poignantly into the present. Frankly put this movie is not so much about Baldwin or his life or story, but the power in his words for a white American audience to look in the mirror to what a black American audience has long known and lived. Given the current state of our government I hope people support this art.

Trump on Iran - 20170203

Piecing together the potential war with Iran military equation based on the theme of actions Trump's administration is orchestrating. The global shift to the Chinese Yuan over the U.S. Dollar exposes the false deflationary pressure that maintains the American financial oligarchy. The world needs our currency so dollars remain in demand keeping the dollar valuable, so the spending power of American firms stretches further on an international scale. You can look at China's trade deal with Russia to switch in 2014, you can look at Libya, Iraq, Venezuela, and the grand daddies: Europe and the remainder of O.P.E.C. This is one of the primary reasons the U.S. is so tight with Saudi Arabia and overlooks their horrendous violations of human rights, the House of Saud, and ties to 9/11. Americans are being marketed to right now to start to hate Iranians under an alternative facts administration. Normally when the American people are lied to there is a line, wherever that line is, it is zooming past Nixon territory on an hourly basis. Don't believe the bull shit about this extreme vetting. America already has some of the most extreme standards of legal immigration on the planet. This oh a new human got elected to the magic chair so everything has to be re-evaluated for 30 days is complete childishness. Adults look at empirical evidence and speak from knowledge, not visceral feelings of ignorance.
When the Trump administration does things like say Iran is on notice, what this means is that it has already been decided: the Trump administration wants a military campaign to notch its bedpost it can call its own. If you want to think broader and think how does a potential WWIII come out of this. Well if you ask, who does Russia side with in the oil war. China and Russia paired in 2014 on currency. Iran announces intent to switch. Africa and Dafur are directly related to Chinese buying genocide oil. The American government systematically tries to eliminate or undermine the power of governments threatening to change currencies. This is a systematic pattern that predates Trump by a long shot.
So if the Chinese economy gets the Yuan to fund O.P.E.C. then you get to the idea the biggest purchaser of oil on Earth, the U.S. military suddenly has to pay a whole lot more to go to war. You have Exxon as Secretary of State, oil at the EPA, an oil-bro at the department of Energy, we can see the risks or we should. Which side are you on, which side is your government on?

Milo goes to College - 20170201

Milo Yiannopoulous is groomed by Bannon to pervert politically correct culture into a tool of identity politics to get voters. Milo is a gay British cultural Jew college dropout who uses tabloid-style internet videos and posts to instigate reactions from liberals who try to use facts, by saying your facts are not real. Here are the alt-right facts. This is where Trump’s alternative facts term comes from on his second day in office. To the alt-right, the gender wage gap is not real. American females are already more than equal given college graduation rates. Feminists are haggard militant angry women who just need to get laid by a man.
As a gay culturally-Jewish male his barbs are particularly effective in contrast to the traditional heterosexual WASP spokesman for the Right. Yiannopoulous does not seem so much political as a hired flamethrower to aggravate the shit out of liberals and get conservatives to laugh giddy at how annoyed self-righteous femi-nazi’s and millennial activists appear. Milo wants to go to college and trigger protests. It is part of the Trump-agenda reality show and triggered liberals tend to bite the artificial lure. If you are clicking on his articles or the ones condemning him tonight you are doing just that. Do what you want, but those clicks add up to people who run media deciding what to give attention to and post. Look who that put in the White House. There are people and events to protest. Milo is not one of them.
If there is anything to learn from Milo it is the weakness in identity politics as a political strategy. Also Milo does a decent job of pilfering criticisms of fundamentalist Islamic governments from the grave of Christopher Hitchens and bastardizing his genius with nonsense and flamboyant target practice to create a viral video. The most dangerous lie is one with some truth in it.
The anti-P.C. alt-right agenda works particularly well on older conservatives who do not understand the post-civil rights era well and on younger male progeny who are piloting universities with look-how-big-my-dick is as evidenced by how disrespectful I can be to women as a tool for sex. There is a hunter gatherer strong men take aspect and wimpy P.C. feminist men are walking-vajay-jays thing happening. There is counterreaction to the feminization of the liberal male by the fraternity and football-bar bro. The math has a lot to do with sex and repression of sex.
The alt-right uses obscenities forbidden for religious right conservatives. Trump that bitch. Make fun of: the handicapped, homosexuals, safe spaces, P.C. acronyms, and start racial brushfires. Use anti-Semitic slurs. Engage a constant attack on feminists to counterpunch Hillary Clinton’s base of white women to prompt inter-female aggression. In the misogynistic lens, good women of the alt-right get laid by a man she serves in the libido adventures of the alt-right troll.
The attractive mechanism in Milo’s actions are the support of free speech, even troll speech. He intentionally goes to P.C. bastion colleges and created confrontations between college Republican groups and protesters for Black Lives Matters and feminist groups. He wants ridiculousness. The point of the troll is the reaction and the infancy of misunderstanding how to react to the opponent is why Milo’s presence permeated the internet and helped alt-right media affect the 2016 U.S. presidential election.  The alt-Right wants a divided-issue Left.

If the fractional Left continues to champion identity politics issues: black lives matters, women's march, environmentalism, immigration, labor unions, etc. in factions rather than a singular consolidated progressive agenda the Left is divided and weaker.  This is the major political error of politically correct culture because facts get buried in this idea as if to care about an issue the issue has to be related to one's ego and self-identification.  The Republicans crafted this with Christianity paired with Capitalism in the 1950's and the perverse agenda has co-opted what is moral or good into what is about how I see myself in my America.  
Trump mimicked this strategy on the campaign trail. Build that Wall! Trump that Bitch! Crooked Hillary. Show the emails! Muslim ban. Detention camps. Abortion ban. Defund Planned Parenthood. Climate change is a Chinese conspiracy. I don’t know Putin. Locker room talk. Panel of rape accusers for Bill Clinton night of the last debate. I will only show my tax returns after the audit is over. I don’t pay taxes. These are incendiary statements contrary to a typical opponent’s strategy. This is David versus Goliath where David is an annoying pompous orange cheese puff-looking slow-roll Keyser Soze in the weeds against a woman with plenty of skeletons of her own.
Trump announces on his third day in office he will not release his tax returns. He says voters do not care. The press is using alternative facts about his inauguration crowd size. This is re-framed language for the word lies. As a political reality Democrats and the press are going to milk the tax story forever, which will serve as a distraction for Trump's true agenda. This is the liberal feminist in the college auditorium yelling at Milo with facts.
Facts do not work on Trump. He ignores them. The alt-right twists arguments into convenient alternative facts. Swallow. Kellyanne Conway hair shrug. The post-truth internet currently does not demand facts.
Trump wants a circus. He wants a reality show. He wants the spotlight on him so that his unqualified department heads and the professional politicians and congress can re-engineer laws and programs to shift trillions of dollars in the global economy while the press and his opponents focus on his gyrations and vortex of ego.
Some of his agenda like the Mexican wall are intentional distractions. Others like tax cuts are not. Threatening military action against Iran is horrendous and should scare the hell out of anyone. Milo is a tool being paid very well to normalize a very dangerous agenda to better the rival news network to Fox News in Bannon's Brietbart and gaslight the world and sell oil. Please if you are a progressive think before you click, but you can click on this link it's a kickass Descendents song. 

Checklist for a Necon Gameplan

Posturing for war. A neoconservative game plan. Set up. Stage the enemy from a checklist of raw materials nations who have not yet been annihilated. Do something asinine to provoke target. Goad a terrorist event or unacceptable behavior. Capitalize. Rationalize the destruction of infrastructure and control of those resources. Market to American people as patriotic while incurring massive debt. Suppress dissent. Use alternative facts. Use military. Inflict massive casualties. U.S. military is the biggest purchaser of oil. Impose hegemony. Corporate profit. Consolidated control. Repeat. Salute flag. Pray to the dominate mirror of god.

Words at the Start of Black History Month 20170201

Words on the start of Black History Month and the start of humanity. "The fight over the blue gold is coming." There is so much wisdom in those words. The stressed and polluted water basins. The drained aquifers to exponentially deplete reservoirs that took thousands of years to reserve. Drilled. California to South Dakota. Oklahoma earthquakes. What happens after the last drop of Lake Mead is gone? What of India and China when billions confront starvation?
There was a time in my life where my father taught me the power of indigenous people through his bond of Louisiana hunting grounds, to respect the animals and plants in union. He still lives that way, but his mind while being a forester and a very real functional environmental conservationist does not vote that way or stand with what Standing Rock represents. Fox News and inculcated retirement television ideology depart from what is real into alternative realities with guns and black snakes. There is a bit of Luke Skywalker in me on this one.
For so many generations the world has repressed the presence of indigenous people and the link to the land. In the humanity of indigenous people we see the origin of our species genetically chained back to mother Africa through evolution and migration sailing the oceans long before Columbus. This threatens Abrahamic monotheisms tilting the neck of billions. Only through consciousness and embracing the root of humanity in blackness can we shed these illusionary barriers and embrace, exalt, and empower our universal interconnection to properly address the problems threatening our species' extinction.