Monday, May 30, 2016

Memorial Day 20160530

What am I doing this memorial day -working on the new book while watching Citizen Four and intentionally posting that on the internet. Orwellian freedoms#
Where is the head cage of rats applied;soldiers died for metadata, the war on terrorism is about domestic compliance to exploit and extend fear to comply so that one will abide freedoms to the corporate powers controlling the one-party system of government to want you to consume and buy (obey advertising) rather than understand what freedom is; choice, natural empathy to care about a human's life in Afghanistan or Sudan as much as your neighbor in Chicago due to the illusions of statism and racism, because you are taught to only care about yourself, how much is in your bank account, your kid's private school instead of the public.
Freedom is about freedom of thought; that is the true war, the memorial of what the heart of the solider is about to live without monitoring or repression or one country supporting regimes over Poor people, this dichotomy of purposes begs the gray of what are we doing in this country, what freedom, who is empowered, who is profiting? These are complicated questions in our Darwinian evolution of choosing between how we approach the subject of entropy and asserting order in massive systems of self identification in mental sub species of words like American Caucasian Christian and insert political party and so forth so that we overlook the species of human. 
Darwin wrote about how the greatest competition for survival is often within the same species fighting for a common resource; one kind of oak or sheep wins. Dostoevsky wrote, "One reptile will devour another" and of "malignant individualism". This is our extinction staring us in the face of blind obedience for the sake of an illusion of safety misunderstanding the prestidigitation of the true enemy, our own compliance to allow our fellow humans to be treated as non-human, to be drone bombed or judged terrorist for a synthetic illusion marketed by whom and for what? A number in a fraternity of bank accounts tallying our self annihilation.
Therein the true war is consciousness,empathy, seeing ourselves as part of an interconnected whole, beholden to evolving to comprehend water rights, female reproductive rights, taxes on global capital to address the consolidation of wealth, these are the modern battlegrounds. The bombs, the missiles these are symbols in a greater game mankind has long played, of power, control, and freedom of the mind.
Citizenfour Poster

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