Thursday, May 26, 2016

Why replacing humans with robots is on the fulcrum of our destruction and empathetic evolution…

There is a basic idea in economics about a threshold of resources to support the mandatory needs of a member of humanity: food, health, housing, clothing, and this addendum of participation either through companionship, frivolity, love, empathy, and presence in our common universe.  When we see a factory of laboring humans swapped for a militia of robots, Capitalism sees a mathematical formula of lower expenses, firm retains surplus and the members of humanity expunged are no longer pertinent to the equation.  Time’s progression has seen technology at the fulcrum on a lever to balance the rewards to either firm profits in the hands of the few in a Capitalist paradigm or to lower the quantity of labor by collective humanity required to meet that threshold of resources to support the mandatory needs of humanity in a socialist paradigm.

In Capitalism unemployment is worthlessness, oblivion.  In socialism one can see the advancements in medicine, agrarian yield rates, textile durability, and construction capacity and think we can work less and produce more as long as there is a threshold of firms and labor still motivated to work.  This balance is at the heart of Marx’s imperfect manifesto.  The best embodiment of that ideal is Democratic Socialism with an appropriate mix of the private economy in industries of free trade motivation to labor and socialist application in those of common good.

The answer in the modern economy is job-sharing, taxes on the aggregation of capital, conservation of environmental resources, sexual education and healthcare including a shift to empathetic matriarchal forms of governance to prioritize women’s rights as a means of birth control, and focusing on systematic infrastructure investment. 

Quality of life is improving with technology to help us connect, but firms keep moving the line of forced desperation in order to make the masses think that art, taking time away from toil to be alive, to not think you are a rat in a 65 life-can-start inescapable maze to keep you under control and not question authority or the firm keeping the difference or if that line of desperation is anything but a manufactured quotient of division.  The challenge of humanity is to switch the preponderance of the resources from accumulating into the accounts of firms to create balance leveraged by technology to meet the needs of our global community as we participate in an evolution of empathy. 



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