Thursday, May 5, 2016

Why Donald Trump is the Republican Presidential nominee…

There is anger in white Anglo Saxon protestant heterosexual cis-gendered men of say over forty about time slipping through hands that were comfortable being atop an American hierarchy.  The world is passing these men by as the spotlight of power and decision making shifts.  The global consolidation of wealth hindering humanity from properly addressing exponential resource scarcity given carbon emissions and population growth is the greatest anthropogenic extinction threat our species has ever faced.  In response to this Trump voters know something is wrong with our global community, but reach towards isolationism, violence, xenophobia, and blame for the diminishing WASP hierarchy in all forms as the redress to explain rather than to do the math or review the science. 

Trump is a fake billionaire with zero political experience who has directly benefited from the Neoliberal policies of the last thirty years of Congress and Wall Street.  Trump had his wealth handed to him in the bassinet along with an endless list of safety nets for all his failed business ventures.  Trump dodged Vietnam on four deferments.  He has been divorced twice and straddles his current object trophy wife.  Trump named his yacht after himself.  Trump financed his Taj Mahal with junk bonds and went bankrupt to go with his many bankruptcies.  Trump hosted a reality show with fake celebrities applying in a fake competition for fake jobs. 

Trump has spent more time in the ring of Wrestlemania than crafting public policy. The man makes up stories without accountability to ballyhoo his life and disparage his critics.  Fact checking does not exist in Trump’s world.  When confronted with facts Trump acts like a bully, puffs his chest like he learned at his silver spoon fake military academy, says something off the handle to ingratiate himself to a nation of confused emasculated WASP men because Trump talks tough, doesn’t take lip from any human who does not fit the gender, racial, religious, ethnic, or sexual orientation identity of the WASP American heterosexual male.

This started most fervently when Obama was elected and the GOP initiated a complete policy of obstructionism.  The WASP hierarchy sees a black president, a white woman in the wings, and a non-Christian white man as the next viable candidate.  Trump supporters see this wealthy, stubborn, arrogant, Protestant man telling them who to blame: Muslims, Mexicans, women, transgendered bathroom policies, homosexual marriage laws, and black lives matters activists.  Trump voters hear words like white privilege and often feel personally attacked misunderstanding what systematic institutional advantages are lashing back at ideas like political correctness as limp-dick bullshit.  Trump barks about kicking another group’s ass, building walls, torturing, his daughter as a sex object, obliterating health coverage, banning immigrants based on religion, and a course testicle-centered agenda that is largely likely unconstitutional.

Trump speaks to reinforce the WASP’s are not crazy for wanting to make America ‘great’ again, which could translate to make America WASP again.  Computers, empathy, a racial rainbow, non-Christian viewpoints, gender as a spectrum, sexuality as a spectrum, climate change, and economics based in math are the political enemies of Trump.  Many aging WASP’s do not want to change, learn, or expand a comfort zone.  Many are retiring Boomers who just want to hold on to the piece they have accumulated until they die before climate change becomes their problem and they don’t want the government coming to take a larger piece of their nest egg to meet the whines of the non-WASP’s in the meantime.  It is ego policy.  With Trump GOP voters assume they get to keep a bigger piece; the rest is not the WASP’s problem or concern.  They want a man in charge with guns who is going to stop the ‘nonsense’. 

The consolidation of wealth through big business ballooned from the merging of Christian and Capitalist America against labor since the Eisenhower administration.  Every president through Obama has relied on two parties being able to blame each other for what goes on behind the scenes to keep the masses desperate so that the top economic percent can hoard wealth and power under the idea that a good laborer is thankful for her or his job, does not complain, takes the wage, does not ask questions while the employer sits in the representative seat of grand wizard.  Trump is the implosion of the wizard’s curtain.  That is why the GOP is so afraid and will start looking to Hillary Clinton to keep the status quo by not offering full explicit or tacit support of Trump in the general election in all the things they hold back in saying that they might have with Romney four years ago. 

The GOP has a population trending problem due to the diminished ignorance of the average younger voter due to the internet and the lower birth rates of middle to upper middle class white Americans.  Younger people are less religious, which is the number one tool the GOP has used to get voters to vote against their economic self interest and less white.  The GOP has tried to distract a base with abortion, gay marriage, terrorism panic, and the old communist undertones from the 1950’s about anything resembling a single payer healthcare system.  The GOP most of all has become the anti science and anti math party willfully spreading ignorance about the federal deficit and climate change.

The GOP had to create this anger in the WASP voting pool to keep a coalition of evangelicals, the mega rich, libertarians, traditional party liners, and angry poor white flag-waving church-going gun-toting pick-up truck drivers who vote against their economic self-interest together given birth rates.  Every statistic of America’s voters getting less white and younger threatens the Republican WASP power base.  This has been a long-term engineered backfire that started when Richard Nixon was Eisenhower’s vice president to consolidate wealth by repressing the power of labor.  Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump represent two sides of the same coin headed to Washington D.C.  Sanders is explosion.  Trump is implosion. 

Cognitive dissonance to the societal order is spewing like an oil derrick blue and red.  The Republican version is orange faced, has a bad toupee and is fist pumping, name calling, and speaking like a C minus student who didn’t do his homework before the class presentation, but his daddy gives a lot to the school’s foundation so we are going to give him a better grade than he deserves.  Trump has money, attractive women in his photo ops, toys, and talks like a professional wrestler.  It is staged choreography.  He’s a sideshow taking the main stage because somewhere in the American WASP gut is an understanding is that they have been had. 

Nixon, Reagan, Bush, and men like Mitt Romney have been playing them for fools.  Trump is pointing this out and threatens to take the whole thing down, which is in the very root of it why he is so popular.  It is not that the WASP’s in majority support Trump’s racism or xenophobia or anti-Muslim agenda.  Sure there are bigots in the crew, but that is not enough to pull the numbers Trump is getting; it is the understanding of the stench of supply side economics, the lies, and needing something to change.  Trump is like walking a bomb into Washington D.C. and saying anarchy, let’s destroy it all; this place is a bad joke that is no longer funny.  It’s not funny and hasn’t been for a long, long time. 

Artistically the white sour cream undisturbed floating aloft in a giant lump segregated from the more populous brown ground meet and yellow cheese as a foundation held inside a wall. You can hear the handlers orchestrating this salad he would never otherwise eat. Who would believe that man would be so busy "working" he would eat at his 'desk'? He has old school newspaper and magazines under it, some golf trophy he probably awarded himself.  His family photos are lumped by the window, one on the floor, a pile of paper blueprints and a half opened drawer. Is this indicative of the level of attention to detail and focus on technology this hair piece would bring as president...  Bobble heads of yourself are always nice.

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