Sunday, June 19, 2016

For My Father

Fatherhood bears a nature of canopies and understories
Sunlight and shadow, the common air
Buffer of leaves to take the brunt, stoic and long minded
To be steady in root and trunk

For time for the sapling to thicken
Flower or cone in season to make space
Knowing the inevitable letting go
Happy for the leaf of the other to touch sunlight

There are time times where I take your stillness
To breathe in the body of your tree
To think and to be, to find strength in constancy
In being present and oak-like for my own child

Knowing the young are blinded in shadow of what it has taken
For the elder generation to travel to life’s present station,
But in the spirals of the trunk emanating out is steadiness through years of much rain and little
Growth finds breath

In this season I think of you
Ready to labor humbly and strong
Showing paths to the sun
For there are many and varied

Knowing it is not the path one chooses,
But the manner in which a man carries himself and his family
This is the water I drink from your roots

And I am divinely grateful 

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