Sunday, May 8, 2016

To Our Mother

At some point it clicked in me possessions are irrelevant
Token exchanges of credits in banks,
I mean banks do not even have the money they lend
They lend you digits in a computer and trade on the idea of being invested

Mothers do not work like that; your blood is invested in our veins
Genome, pressure, the act of creation in mitosis with the split half cell of our father
This is not done with anything but presence
The act of love and enlivening perpetuation on some level, but selflessness

To want the happiness of the son or daughter freely without condition
I have felt your love without condition
Even in the times I know my feet are in waters beyond the depth of your travels
I see you on that shoreline and in the strength of my muscles knowledgeable of how to swim

I see the moon and sun echoing these waves differently because of you
The blood of my mouth pouring in your worries
Of what words come out and why in the quiet silences entrusted to your ears
Because I know yours is a vault beyond the lock of judgment

I have felt the release to be who I am
Which at times is gnarled and mashed, spirited and away
From a path of certitude about what love is or how it works,
But I know you love me, as my mother, unconditionally and forthright

This I have never doubted
The beauty of such a flower is a perpetual bloom
One seeded in the diligence of concern of thinking of my brothers and me
In a cache of your chest pumping and pressing

Wanting for our joys and tearing in the bastions of our sorrows
Knowing your arms are there secure
To hold us when we need asking for nothing in return,
But us to be who we are

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