Saturday, May 21, 2016

Watching the Enfilade

What does it mean to be alive compared to say be space,
The location in space time absent of atoms
Is there a connection between the four dimensions of that space
And what, where, and when a being is?

Breathing of calculated mind aware of one’s existence
And intercourse in a mathematical formula projected from source code
Interpreting reality through symbols seeing portions of spectrum in light
Hearing in spectrums of sound,

Sensing in spectrums of touch as the atomic ball bearings rustle
Odors permeating that space in fractions of count in a range of detection
Tasting the elemental formulaic construction of the planet in the battery of eons
Upon the tongue of what is deathly ambrosia and what is survival

The mathematics in our bones pulsing the atoms of the brain that never escape
Is this a soul’s atomic treasure, held in the body amongst the laughter spark
Of ceasing biological consciousness in perpetuity with no chance of reboot
To have that brain atom decay in crypt or burn in cremation

Symbols, symbols and postulating Schrödinger’s box
Felines are we bathing in cyanide and oxygen bartering time
For comprehension of the layers we have so chosen to reduce the evolutionary spectrums
To limit perception to this vehicle humming and licking sky-atoms

Preserving the carcass over the awareness of being beyond the carrier
Participating in the release of attachment to be this self
To comprehend the limitations of the measurement detectors on the starship
That the universe is not of mind or concern and bathe in the beatitude of indifference

To see that love is not about receipt or sale, but of the currency
Of possibility exchanging into consciousness
That one is conscious of what one is
In a paradigm beyond all the accustomed spectrums of perception

This is the paradox of the box, the genius of the planted seed
Doing its fervent action in soil like a mad hatter clock burgeoning existence
In the language of universal mathematics of the genome
Elemental result of atomic movement in arrangement at a moment in space time

To amalgamate into a body bearing genetic ballet,
Flowering enfilade of perception watching us shoot ourselves 

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