Friday, October 2, 2015

Thoughts on Oregon - 20151002

America has a mental healthcare issue, not a gun control issue.  Guns are a ubiquitous presence, a genie un-bottled.  Common sense laws might flux the rate of homicides by plus or minus five percent.  A properly funded mental healthcare system as a component of a universal system rebuilt from the ground up might affect mass homicides through gun violence by an exponential percentage greater.  Is that empirically based, most studies show it is.  Mental healthcare is the common sense reform that is needed. 

These small wars over gun show loop holes or access are a distraction from the human condition, the human heart, and love, empathy and understanding at the root of almost every tragedy on our planet.  Even climate change is an empathy issue.  There is a reason powers on both sides of the aisle will not face this reality and it is because it puts faith in the volition of people on the fringe who are most often used as a border to keep those in the middle afraid to accommodate the profiteering of those empowered.  Love has a price tag and it is a function of how much we invest in empathy, not walls, prohibition, or vengeance.  A child learns far more from a well-placed hug than a beating.  

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