Friday, October 2, 2015

Tripod Libido

There is a tripod of trauma that underlays my libido
Sex as magnet attracting and repulsing
Damning in the polarity to remain battered by nothingness

The marriage being fucked by a cowgirl in a New Orleans hotel room
Last time with a condom the prenatal vitamins under sink un-swallowed
Her father’s tuxedo shirt I forgot back in the country for the city mouse
To scurry down Bourbon Street to Canal Place and pound like the graduate

To purchase my own fashion, button up proper neck size
Walk in to a holiday party of her coworkers and see the scorn
In the eye of an embarrassed woman ten days later releasing the flood gate

The hell of what it is to marry a human you love for a decade who never loved you
Deciphering the illusion in the rubble of divorce blindsided like a roadside bomb
Parked in the family garage where memories swerve off the road into rape
Emotional and defiled where a body near feels like an intruder waiting

To swap kiss for razor blade hid under the pillow and slit the cinema into a bloodbath
The desire to have a family grow, to have a family be valid, to be able to be imperfect
Accepted for the innate and not castigated into the villain of a storyline spun upon the town
The first leg taught that to love one must require a commensurate wager in return

The second the danger of pregnancy the uncontrollable forks in trail genetic replication produces
The pothole roads and abortion parking lot vomit of when under fire
Your own weapon of self-defense backfires and the bunker begins to implode
Shot bloody from the first war of courts taking out your ally and conversion into a second enemy

Back and forth trading sides for half a decade more bruised battered in a minefield of silence
Attempting to cross the Rio Grande back into home country and every step feels like a vagabond
Staring at a post-apocalyptic hell-scape sorting the idea that any woman could ever be safe again
Vagina’s feel like pincer bombardiers honey pot IED’s churning Russian Roulette

Feeling like every time I get the bullet, a different way to die
The living kid reminder marketed insurgent and the dead like reasons to stare into the shower drain
That I have to make my and her separate lives worth a damn like I owe it to the blood
Atheist tilt to Catholic guilt a road taken in time to understand what it means when the other does not love you, accepting and not repeating similar errors

The third the cautious fear clamp down to play the part, the lure of the poetry to dare love
To feel the universe masking god’s face as if purpose existed beyond the crucifix
To do my best to just hold on as the rollercoaster burst the first turn, the drop and the exhilarating terror
To lie naked in the meadow eyeing a creek and the first rush of breeze upon my cheeks
Deciphering her blue eyes from brown to green to this, feeling the sight of home for the first arc in fifteen years, pacing as slow as I can muster, pressing her body to the wall in the foyer, the passenger seat The levee, the sofa cushion, the bed sheets and keeping tangled legs unable to undo the fishing string

Blocking myself emasculated out of fear of exactly what happened in the morning
Abandonment without a face, wordless and gone girl refusal to put a pillow on the floor
As a man crashes, head burst a glass coffee table clunking dragged through a triad of eye sights
Staring at him through the darkness ingesting possibility itself

Into how to do this; how to be
Libido crumpled inward like a turtle burrowed in the mud for winter
Praying for the warmth of the sun
A reprieve for a leg to rely    

Contemplating the tripod between his groin muscles to three sets of irises
Testicles and cock like a bloody ink pen tree trunk
Growing monstrous gorgeous redwoods to peer into the heavens
Knowing it is only his own legs like rooted pillars a man should or will ever stand 

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