Sunday, October 11, 2015

Pillow Talk

In need of a crease, a sliver of moonlight like sprinkled magic
Upon the dampened pillow like eraser-head dust
Dehumidifying this New Orleans cotton fabric
Wrestling dreams and court rooms of crazy-heart trials

Gavel and bailiffs called out handcuffs of manliness
Scorched Earth tumbleweed romantics flopping through whiskey bottle towns
Penned up in glass
Rolling cuddling with jagged rock-busted viscera 

Split like a spaghetti of rat tails squirming out the aperture
Smeared and red with pin-black wormlike wishful thinking
That today the fruit was not rancid
The belly not flush with a cereal of maggots

Gorging on the birdseed of wanting, of hope, of the germ
Of allowing possibility to seep like a drop of rain through the moon roof
Into the vehicle passing on an interstate past midnight
So cautious about keeping the ceiling tight

God out, old conversations, the shouting matches to empty air
The why or the not strong enough for this, the Beatles were right speech
The third-world country approach of what poverty is
The thresholds and the muddy ankles and the soil of the lotus

The regurgitated mother-bird vomit nutrition for a pharmaceutical diet
The Instagram feeds of banquet dancehalls and selfie groupies
The empire of dirt playgrounds, razorblades and firearm debates
Of what I will not keep in my house and why

Twilight into midnight into dawn and San Francisco to New Orleans
North Carolina to Boston flashing Lake Pontchartrain
Bodies in airplanes and this dust wiping my face to the pillow
White out blank, no nose, no mouth, no ears, no eyes, no visage

Been a mirage for years tumbling over each other like limbs in a theater fire
Film bubbling and doorways met with that awful jarring type of sunlight
Afraid if it is better just to give into the smoke of the morning
Feeling the weight of this treasure chest what chin to sternum has to offer

When raising eyes level peering onto the table of another
In Anjali mudra conversation 

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