Saturday, May 18, 2013

To my mother, 2013

I feel the way you look at my father, encouraging, accepting
As if all the hours he spent being doubted or reluctantly tolerated as a third offspring
In his boy-hood home he is the first of volition’s election in yours

This priority system was not lost on me, as the confidence in what love is
Rather than what love is so often advertised to be, varies so
The marketing campaigns of mothers sporting bumper sticker P.T.A. titles
Clamors for an insecure narcissism, which I have always found pleasantly lacking in you

The absence of such demands permeates the perception of my mother
You are selfless in your most precious daring: the love for your children
A measure to allow freedom, taught in the enclaves of self-confidence
Has allowed me a similar dexterity

We are sons of varied artistic islands constructing sandcastles like porcine contractors
Knowing when the bellies of the wolves of this world come calling
Our mother is open to be our confidant with an empathetic ear and a non-demanding tongue
For if there is one passion you have taught the men of your life to abide;

It is our chiseled volition crafted form the space that you stepped not to make our choices
For us, but for your sons to show you what we are capable to craft in order to be who we are
Wrinkled pig legs, hairy snouts, perked brains, crinkled tails and days of straw, stick and stone
Challenging the storms as life blows

I am stronger to stand because of you; we each are
I remember maybe a moment you regret slapping me once in the face at our kitchen table
As I re-spelled the word assume; one of my weakest flaws is my arrogance
I so often was a model of obedience and in this I am thankful for a spark of disobedience

To be affirmed that there are lines in life; I will never know it all, remain humble
I see the acceptance you grant your own mother as her body wilts
Mourning not an enigma, but the whole person, from dressmaker to pill taker
There is beauty in the honesty of family; I am so thankful that I am of your womb

And we are forever in our hearts

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