Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Promises of the Morrow

Sometimes I go back and forth between the universe always was or

There is a non-interactive deity spurring creation on the axis of science and the volition
Of beings capable of manifesting choice beyond instinct
We are in the axis, whether either is a valid provable fact given empirical evidence

Of this time’s recollection, for if it is able to be proven, surely it was proven before
By others in a time on a continuum some distance from this in breathes,
But tangent, always tangent in consciousness, that proximity is the dearest radiance
Of what I once imagined to be the love of God

I see: the billboards, the posts, the tax deductions, and the revivalist literature
I cannot move beyond the power of wishful thinking
What we want over what we need or simply is
We can meander consequence to a plan beyond our knowing; divine implications

When death, pain, anger, despair, loneliness, heartache, wind their ways to strangle
Those Hallmark-card dining-room-table loves, embraces, joys, felicitous rewards
Of obedience, credence, faith, fidelity, and wholesome tomes recited
I see the fallacies of volition’s mandate strangling the dalliance of heaven’s garb and hell’s cloak

“I am a breathing time machine.  I’ll take you all for a ride.”
The universe reverberates in each of us like the kick-drum’s measure
Beyond cardiac pulses into schisms of what it means to exceed the speed of light
When we return to our former measure of energy dispersed and dancing

In the plasma of an un-forming and re-forming universe to birth and die into another
Over millennia and I am imagining my iteration absent the pronoun for I take no purchase
No receipt or deed to this body as a severable unit of volition in this time or that,
But of interconnected always operating my configuration to be reconfigured

I give you this waltz for sixty, for eighty revolutions, or less of a solar orb
To do and to embrace this one to write, to read, to sing, to paint, to speak, and above all to love
For there is no promise of the morrow, only a vast acknowledgment of what we are
Able to do here, that we are limited there and so I embrace my current limitations

With gleeful possibility and mercurial sadness as to my tiny time here
So I do the daring do; to make the most of this sunrise and oh yes, above all love

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