Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Waterline and The Bridge part 1

The Waterline
Generations underneath the waterline of indebtedness
Gurgling maws marvel under illusions viewed in the mirrored distortion
Of the liquid ceiling, the swirls bubble in nothingness
Biology degree working at a shoe store hustling conch shells

Literature Bachelor of Arts warn passers about the Kelvin rapturing cappuccino
Into the tide across the stage and down the submarine hold back into the ocean
Slot-machine sunsets retirement allowances Boomers to Krakatoa fireworks
Of a 401k actually funded adequately to face the non-employed oblivion

Such a lottery win is required to give up a ledge to avoid falling
Into hard-times ocean of Bob Dylan singing about New York town;
A mighty long ways from appreciated wage of each year at x percent
Only got a nickel it is the Staten Island Ferry to an assisted living at a nursing home

When does Medicare kick in; battle an entire career against other’s entitlements
The diabetic amputated foot got a card and a master’s degree gone kaput
Into the junk pile of the Baby Boom crashing caboose 2025,
Around a decade to go for those below the waterline to see the tide subside

Spots open up for all the hermit crabs wandering the beaches, making temporary plans
Coming for salvation in a salary only to be taxed for the mentality of ten thousand others
Retiring every day into universal health care bursting as now a mandate
Love laughing at the dreams of war, can’t take the privatized drugs of stockpiled poor

Climbing up for a chance to be a brother not a crustacean, eating what the sky throws away
Drifting down to pay the interest on a promise life has yet to show
Jesus of Suburbia smoking a cigarette taxed at sixty-six percent
Got a photo of his law degree on his iPhone uses it as the image

To appear every time a debt collector calls
Visa, Mastercard he has discovered them all arguing his own case to an endless stall
Filing briefs and eating sheets of paper scanned into terabytes
Moving jobs to India to file tax returns and round-about he learned, he learned 

Everything and nothing for his one hundred grand, the man he stands
Like a sunken Statue of Liberty in Costner’s Waterworld pirates rattle the environment
Of Spanish boots of Spanish leather sailing above affording the indulgence
Of a world in a bottle and the ship wreck shoved inside as an ideal

Generation X’ers and Millennial’s trying to extract the bow with office hands
The scars of war have left our soldiers to suicide the rest of universities
Pecking keyboards and touchscreens to tattle all the tales
That the treasure chest in the ship’s hull is never coming out that bottle
And even if it did, it has been emptied

The dream has ended; the sky pretended there was a ladder left to climb
Hang suspended as the oil, coal and fracking-gas burns the water seeping into the sea
Drinking the chemicals under a fluorescent lit sun the cloud becomes a server
With the only answers anyone seems to fund

The four horsemen of modern lines: Google, Microsoft, Facebook and Apple
Bitten without permission and the garden is under deluge
The animals are running for the boat and Springsteen is digging another moat
A castle for the idea that we are in this together

Grandparents, great, parents, children and children grand to great
Seeing the lines of interconnected universal state
The waters rise drifting down and seeing paradise in the eyes

Of what is good for you, could be good for me,
Of what is bad for me, if bad for you, the sage say Ubuntu

Blank the slate and damn the prayer; do what need be done
Or see the stares of older folks wrinkling in homes of X’ers bearing care
Because there is no credit  left to finance the nurse or the home
The ground is bought and sleeps in foreign banks

Sandy steps and billionaires rake the shells in as they walk the beach
Into souvenir shops for tourists to eat; what is on the menu?
The balance between capitalism and socialism
One extreme casts a net of subdivided oblivion

Give the word to sing a song; it ain’t very long
To see the water’s rising for Love, Oh Love
To spread the life boats to a better count
The Titanic is sinking and the only ones strong enough to row us out are first to die

The airplane breathing mask lesson on every flight
Boomers don’t let Generation X perish, Millennial sentinels are crunching in the steel 
Stop the pharmaceutical, Monsanto, Democran, Republicrat lie ideal
Let the light of air break the waterline

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