Saturday, January 21, 2017

Women's March 20170121

Today was future feminism blooming globally in the buds of warrior goddesses. There is an atavistic penchant to imprint a male godhead in the psyche of humanity from Abrahamic monotheisms and other patriarchal mysticisms. This is welded in the muscular grip of the honed hunter responsible for acquiring meat on the arm of the mother of his offspring. We have evolved.
In the crevices of the denial of evolution is a rejection of altering known bodily order. Large is dominant. Kind is weak. Today we marched the streets of New Orleans and thousands and thousands stepped with us around the globe to confront an idea, not a man. The idea is that there is a singular font of power rather than an interconnected hive where every voice is needed in an inextricable web of love.
No matter where one travels, people are deep powerful universes waiting to hear, I see you. I hear you. We are interconnected. You matter. You are not alone. Tell me how you are.
The economic capitalist system’s logical evolution is consolidation into fewer gigantic firms with intractable control over every aspect of global socioeconomic activity. The public economy must regulate the private economy to create better balance otherwise the daily work and bread of so many will accumulate into the coffers of the so few as advances in technology automate the average human into disenfranchised struggle for daily subsistence.
The age of the white male heterosexual Christian pinnacle is nearing midnight. The age of multiculturalism and intersectionality is nearing dawn. The desperation of humanity resorting to Trump as a troll king shows the pain and marketing power of the old guard's disciples and the arrogance of Clinton’s alignment with the same global economic system. Neoliberalism is dying. That is what I saw today in the streets of America. The future is female.

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