Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Reality show 20170124


Reality show internet troll president newspeak update: EPA get on message you beaver-loving twiggies. There is a thousand-limb honey badger that lives in the center of the Earth controlling 80 degrees in New Orleans in January. Climate change is a hoax. My penis is not small. My crowds were bigger than Obama's. I had the crowd form the shape of my penis with a strong base extending out away from the podium told to leave space around the tip for my dick-pic to America. Also I had way more orcs. Huge. Three to five million android robots built by Hillary and the CIA voted illegally. My popular vote was bigger than any woman's. I am not orange gawk-talk Oz butchering cultural norms to distract you. The words Mr. Trump's ego will now replace the word god in the pledge of allegiance. June 14, 1954 is over. Head cages of rats coming 2018. Trump out.

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