Saturday, January 7, 2017

The CIA and Russian Election hacks

The government released its own CIA, NSA, FBI, TMZ report that yes Russia was messing with our presidential election. I read it tonight. Yawn.
One, the Podesta emails from inside the Clinton campaign on WikiLeaks are the actual emails. No one on the Clinton side is disputing that they are not real. Is it an unfair advantage for Trump to have Clinton’s laundry aired; yes, but campaigns try to do that shit all the time. Does Trump sound like an even bigger imbecile denying Russia's helpful role; yes, but that is his ego refusing to believe he did not do it all on his own or that he's fucked if it is proved he helped them or knew about it in anyway. Russia was behind some of the fake news and internet snowball of ignorance that got Trump elected, well ignorant Americans believed nonsense. That is the key to almost every political campaign in the history of this country.
Clinton focused on how sexist, racist, xenophobic, and ill-tempered Trump is, which are valid points, but Cheeto Jesus’ glaring weakness is ignorance of how to do the fucking job. She was embarrassed of coming across as the nerd and lowered the bar. Russia wanted Trump over Clinton because it makes America weaker. Russia has financial interests given its hydrocarbon reserves and oligarchs for a Republican administration, but the real threat is the cold shoulder continuing from Obama to Clinton and the massive talent drop Trump brings across the board of our executive branch. We are vulnerable on an unprecedented level.
America is the grand all time champion of spying on other countries and fucking with their elections and governments. We drone bomb and kill civilians. Maybe if we did not demonize people like Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, and Chelsea Manning for airing America’s dirty little secrets that we are not always the hero in the theater our government tries to wrap in a flag, then maybe we could deal with the truth and have adult elections based in facts rather than a reality show with a pussy-grabber goading chants of “Lock her up” and then openly admitting after the election that it was all bullshit. Clinton goes through federal hearings and passes everything completely vindicated and yet Trump still had the orange balls to act like none of that ever happened. Trump is a narcissistic liar horrendously unqualified, but America does not even blink.
According to the report Russia starting hacking the DNC in July 2015, before Trump was the nominee.
 If the CIA, NSA, and FBI all suddenly are reporting that this shit went on for over a year starting in 2015, why is this only coming out now? Rhetorical second yawn. I just do not trust any reports like this. It reminds me of reading the 9/11 commission report. The report focuses on bias shit in the Russia media. That is not news. The report mentions Russian Television’s support for the Occupy Wall Street movement as revolutionary and anti-fracking (because fracking means Russia’s gas supplies are worth less money). There is a list of propaganda examples Putin does to fuck with the Russian people. No shit. America would never do that with us…
America knows Clinton and Trump both took money, like Obama, like almost every major Democrat and Republican from the root of the problem in Wall Street and neoliberal oligarchs. Clinton did not want to play fair with Sanders. Sanders let the email shit go, which was a mistake on his part. America rolled snake eyes and now we have to pay to guard Trump tower.
The problem is not Russia. The problem is that America is a waning empire. We are overextended and mirroring much of what happened with Britain before us, Rome before that, and Egypt before that on the fringe of neoliberalism causing global economic and environmental collapse. The Earth has no more time for empires. We need smart people willing to stand up, be smart, and shoot straight. Clinton is plenty smart, but she has taken money and turned a blind eye and never made peace with the American people about an economic agenda that was not neoliberalism continued. Trump is a horrendous alternative, but he’s not there because of Russia.
Trump is here because we as an American people are a haughty empire, fat, complacent, apathetic, easily riled up by shiny orange nonsense rather than sober intellectual complex explanations of what is actually transpiring. It’s a story that goes back to Zoroaster and Jesus, the old and new gods, Caesar bread and circuses, who is labeled a barbarian and who is labeled civilized, science and ritual, the hired soldiers of Rome and drone bombs, empathy and entropy, the I.M.F. and Bank of America, a woman’s right to choose and powerful men who refuse to be in a position where they have to listen. We are taught not to think for ourselves or ask questions, but to look into screens to determine what is best for us. We get what we deserve.

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