Sunday, January 1, 2017

Alive Past Midnight and the Fires of Dawn - 20170101

 Twelve-o-two a.m. new year doorbell
Woodford Reserve in the glass and The End of Tour DVD on the screen
Two poets reflecting on 2016 with kidneys and blood
Shatters, ripples, and velocity

Light switch flip and my neighbor Barron rests on the stoop
Eyes blurred haze overlook of well-wishing a happy new year
Wrinkled hands and licked lips of crack decades
Conviction of time served in the epigenesis of a man

Chat of falling bullets and the eighteen in the Glock reminiscent childhood pop-pop
As the fire in the sky cackles star bursts and lovers kissing
Licking the burn of packaged time into the birth of
Mighty cooty fiyo, hey la hey on Mardi Gras Day two months away 

New Orleans, three men whiskey and a battlefield darkness
Rain on smoke, humid and sixty degrees
Barron raises Barak Obama that they never give a man his due
They shot Martin and Malcom and asks what was the difference

National of Islam, pork and alcohol traded for prayer mats 
Christianity and the C.I.A. infiltrated of what it means
When ordinary people threaten the money of powerful men
In brown skin and uprising dreams and self sufficiency

Six legs and three mouths breathing neighbors salutations
As doors open and humans come out, waving hey happy new year
Happy times sinking in a Palestinian roadblock and an Istanbul night club
Gunman and inebriating bodies draining, open fire from the mouths of wolves

Canines and sheep, order and chaos, fear and love
Year of car crashes through green lights, projectile septuagenarians ignoring the word stop
To keep foot to the petal and proceed through the red anyway
Because bodies do not want to look or know, just go

Death and struggle for a living wage to say I paid the bank today
To purchase time in monthly increments to tally a year
Nights of Fetlife and days of garlic at the grocery 
Days of meat-plant and nights of poetry

Yoga to lose the weight and be in the breath
I am still Alive Eddie Vedder on my stereo
Followed by Joe Strummer’s Card Cheat
Oh, do I deserve to be? 

If he only had time to tell of all of the things he planned
With a card up his sleeve, what would he achieve? It means nothing!
Open to the smashed automobile hearts bent in dreams
Metallic in burgeoning through the server crash

Memories of data intake, perceptions and failed brakes
That what we thought we had time to say
Expires, so be the catalyst, do, go up and speak to that human
To say hello my name is

With the audacity between creep and romantic
To be alive in the lightning staring at the fireworks
Melting phosphorus in the eyes, hand on flesh
Knowing that some of us will not live to see morning’s dawn

But for those who breathe intrepid to the mocking bird’s call
Sun blazing bare feet to walk upon broken glass
Trembling scared as hell to say
I do not know you, but here I am and I am willing to leap

To fling headstrong into a moment of exposure
Drinking time’s ferment drunk, but sober enough
To move with humor and poetry to burst
The prisons of my perceptions and dare say participate

In the strands of love that bind this universe
Friendship, familial, sexual, and sociological
We are in this together in the fires of dawn
I see you.  I hear you.  I am alive.  

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