Friday, April 1, 2016


What the human mind can tolerate, Accept
Is a function of release:

Routines, substantive mechanisms of familiarity
Words difficult to pronounce
Concepts one believed one understood
And in the moment of intersection

Grasp on exactly what reality is
Or is mandated to be
Fizzles into a blur of taste buds fumbling
To recognize the present moment

The pillars of family, friends, employed position
Conception of god shake in the awesome notion
Of not going to be any longer

Beloved anchor to attach the mind to the fabric of reality
Dissolves so as to befuddle the notion of quarks and atoms
Creating space for the basis of perception
To bear a parting to mark room

That this person no longer represents love
Conveys love, offers love, yet still is love
This person who was like the affixed vertical reciprocating ladder line
Across rung to DNA vibrating into existence is now detached

The basis of being is in the release
How one understands climbing or standing or breathing
Or any of the building block rituals of identity
To leverage words like wife, daughter, brother, husband

Letting go to be in that space
The opening compassionate reliance obliterated provides
One can live without anything
The will to survive is not measured in coffee spoons of grain to lip

But in the exhalation
The ability to eat the beautiful seed, have the field grow fallow
The field grow to poison, rancid and a paste of ignominy smeared cross lips
To stare into a sun of circling ravens and smile

For one is being in the heated cool
One is the morning’s dew rising and evaporating into everything 

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