Saturday, April 16, 2016

The Modern Day Republican Machine…

Nixon was Eisenhower’s vice president and was there when Billy Graham became a catalyst to start the one nation under god agenda to support business’ interest against FDR’s New Deal after the Great Depression.  Make no mistake the origin of the religious right is a capitalist agenda to repress the rights and wages of labor by using obedience to God to install obedience to the nation and obedience to the firm. 

Nixon’s inauguration and presidency represented the start of the religious right political machine that got middle class and poor voters to associate Christianity with unfettered capitalism and a vote for the Republican agenda was a vote for a Christian god juxtaposed against agnostic socialism or Communism.  The political machine politicized religious services and made the phrases of one nation under god and in god we trust badges and inverse scarlet letters to ostracize and penalize those who would not comply with a threshold of zeal.

The fervor to show how on-board one was became a political galvanizing mechanism and a manner of prestidigitation.  The sleight of hand pit god-fearing WWII surviving parents against a generation of young Vietnam War era protestors in the 1960’s and 1970’s.  The one nation under god agenda was one of compliance and obedience.  One does not question the corporate master as the placeholder as god.  One does not question the government or why the enemy in Vietnam was the same atheist Communist creation that sparked the Christian capitalist movement in the 1950’s. 

Any labor or social solidarity was a threat.  Labor striking for wage increases was a threat.  Seeing the Vietnamese people rise up against a French colonial master was a threat to the one nation under god power grab.  Therefore Nixon proceeded to send America into war to prove the point.  The drug war and intentional destruction of poor communities through police, court, and CIA actions replaced mandatory military service and carries forward through Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, and Obama into today to meet the Christian-faced Capitalist-based Republican agenda that has engulfed both parties and widens the wealth gap for Wall Street.  Nixon used Vietnam.  Reagan used the U.S.S.R.  Bush H used Saddam Hussein.  Bush W used 911. 

How do you get millions of middle and lower economic class people to vote against their self interest to form a voting block; use the idea of god.  The thought that one’s vote will displease or go against the will of god is hardcore political subterfuge originating out of the 1950’s carried forward through most prominently in the administrations of Nixon, Reagan, and both Bushes and is glaring in the agenda of Ted Cruz, as it was with Mitt Romney. 

The actual New Testament agenda of Jesus was hijacked by capitalists then and has been held by a slew of god bless America political powers on both sides of the aisle in an oligarchy representing the scions of capitalism ever since.  The Republicans certainly exploit the god-agenda more than Democrats, but both parties have ultimately come to serve the same corporate masters via campaign financing and the threat of not wearing the god ribbon, pledging the flag under God or saying the right words for a nation hoodwinked by showmanship over the actual principals and morality of the Bible-based government evangelicals purport to desire. 

The New Testament was about forgiveness, the last shall come first, humility, shedding one’s possessions, not the financially wealthy are the favored by god’s grace be obedient to them.  The Old Testament obey or be damned to perdition is at the root of the hypnosis America has been under since the 1950’s.  Mass consumerism, marketing, and a gullible and sheepish population are the profit-creating fodder of this capitalist machine distorting Christianity.  That machine has devoured the globe so that the fundamentalism the United States created is mirrored in the Islamic terrorism that we are not able to fight properly because we cannot see the common culpability in allowing a sanctimonious theocratic element to American government.   

This week the Vatican invited Bernie Sanders an agnostic cultural Jew to speak at a conference to support morality in our economic systems mirroring the social encyclicals the Pope has issued to pursue equality, social justice, and environmental sustainability. What does that tell you about the American presidential candidate pool and the distortion between the actual message of the New Testament that makes Christianity the world’s and America’s most popular religion? The Pope representing the original church of Christ on the planet seated as Jesus’ representative on Earth would greet the only non-Christian in solidarity to support what he feels are important components of Jesus’ message?

How did we get here?  I strongly suggest, Kevin Kruse’s well researched book One Nation Under God How Corporate America Invented Christian America. I have written excerpt quotes from the book on my blog if anyone is interested.  Link

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