Tuesday, April 5, 2016


I used to have a place I would put my prayers to god
Like a tin of band aids, twine, and kazoos
To add or take an object as time shifted grains
The child in me associated this with his ribcage

As if I folded my palms, thumbs upright steeple pose
Eyelids descended, breath subdued in patient conference
I would rummage to speak in consort about the spider web
Of the morning that netted my nostrils as I rose from the pillow

In the sanctuary the pinchers seized penitent skin
Reserved in tow for a year, a moment of purpose to surface
Like the blow hole of the orca to flash sacredness
Bursting out of the innocuous

A street light pausing traffic to catch the gaze of a passer by
A sacramental stumble chancing the agony of bloodshed
Into a martyred moment of divine fate
That this good was to come of this bad as if mathematics applied

Or there was a beginning or an ending despite this Alpha Omega Grecian dialogue
There was that tin inside me I rummaged for markers
Of why baby teeth catapulted when or
Silence at fifteen years old from a certain physical body

Creates a suicide bomber of hormones hijacking veins
Crumpled purple ink swirly script paper notes in lockers
Mountain for Moses like indelible in memory
Crossroads of identity to trade speech

With the poster of Trent Reznor I hung on the ceiling directly over my bed
To jester the heresy face of that downward spiral
A spiritual mind wanting to know where a self was to fit in
Who is capable of getting this manuscript kept in the tin

The menagerie of scribbled interrogatories
Pecking crow-like on the metal of a necklace printed
Real love is forever
Laughter and stunt doubles Eric Draven and Brandon Lee

As if there is a place beyond this
A coming back from resembling any potency in prayer
That it was never about favors, but presence
Wanting to comprehend more of the puzzle of where do I put these tin contents

So many curves and jigs the lush and the barren hues
To see the fluid on the bandages crimson and dried blacken scat
Voodoo bone readings and tarot junkies mouth-washing with holy water
Spit rollick laughter at seeing a gutter glass shard diamond

I remember the day I quit praying
I quit asking what do you want from me, what is your will
I ceased to see myself as an employed vessel
I resigned evoking the idea that everything

I ever put or took from that tin
Was meant to be in the moment it was touched
And then let go
The very idea of a question to ask became nonsense

Why was nonsense
What next was nonsense
When will was nonsense
Who is it was nonsense

The point was to pay attention
The tin emptied was never touched again
The present moment neutered time
Love is intention to release what we are

Boundaries no longer exist
Separation cannot be
The concept of prayer would require a medium between the present moment
And some conceptual alteration in reality which one aspires to occur

The space between want and is
Illusion so of the ego breeching the pond’s surface
So it is as we breathe beyond breath  

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