Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Why People Invent sky-Gods

We want to believe someone notices that we are doing a “good” job with our existence.  That someone is on our side, always accepting, loving, wanting our effort, an imprinted parent in the beyond.  We want someone to desire our best, to listen.  This is the core of our basis thrust from our minds away from the silence of self-reliant solitude into the companionship of a friend without any duty to perform, but is ordained with foresight, intuition, competence, wisdom, strength and every splendid quality of worth we wish to embody, but are too weak, confused, ignorant or flawed to expect of or cultivate in or through ourselves.

Our hunger for justice is fed in rationalizing that our species’ “proper” behavior is pertinent over “unlawful” behavior when an omnipresent arbiter is aware of all actions by all people.  This appetite of ecumenical equilibrium leads to waves of chants of “everything happens for a reason” attributed to a greater purpose beyond causation or correlation.  
This distances the work and perceived toil of self-actualization into a task above our capability.  We are reduced to subservient feeble worship to a form of sky-God.  In turn we are relinquished from the rational labor of investigating ourselves.  We are made shiftless and labor-less.  We become children in such indulgences that we deem holy mandates.   
Monotheistic dogmas seek war to uphold such pillars of absolutism and beckon the peaceful to imbibe ritualization to imprison free-will inside itself.  Volition handcuffs itself in the rear of squad cars barred in hierarchical dungeons of parents begetting children tattooing a legacy of predetermination mocking the abolition of ignorance at each peek of the Hubble telescope or alternative translation of tome. 
We peer out rather than in.  We teach ourselves to stare away from the obvious for the illogical mysteries of faiths with salvation-lotteries of treasure commensurate with our rational self-actualization forfeited to participate.  
We cease asking questions after being placated with an answerless answer.  In turn we speak for our sky-God.  We sense.  We feel.  We interpret what we swear is truth so that we never have to syphon fact and fiction naked in a public square.  This is done for us by our sky-God.   
Knowing is so much easier, peaceful, and complacent; it keeps the fear of nudity away.  We can all be emperors robed in our pre-scripted notion of justice, morality and virtue rather than any we had to uncover and take ownership of innate to ourselves.   
The sky-God appears to keep our species from returning to wild-animals, when the paradoxical reality is apparent to the inverse at every corner of the globe.  That which we are told is blasphemous is our inherent morality demanding the empowerment of the crucible of our existence, (free-will).   
Volition usurps the responsibility of any sky-God.  In free-will we become adults of another sort, one so much of the Earth wishes to ignore and be as children manifesting differences where there are not differences so that we can apply false logics, reasons and attribute justice to tides bound by the gravity of perdition. 

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