Thursday, March 21, 2013

A love poem for spring time

Love, I wanted to write you a poem
Maybe it was a song I heard, a wish I wish was not true
Resting on the border of a window pane,
Clear as this avenue of anarchy in an afternoon sun  

Unset, chaotic as a gaseous dying orb of time a story balled
To smile the lines of weight misting out the tragic days
Nesting here intimate as an empty pillow held and mourned
Tomorrows buried with the shattered glass reflected now all that’s past  

Remembering the identity of pains renewed, to try again and feel it true
The walking life of movement’s course, to say goodbye to the expected north
Of all that is will always be, the permanence of coffin streets
Laid to rest in honeycombs sweet as a permaculture exodus of homes  

The bees they fly here today, the pesticides of love and all at once
The cloud departs and one never can be prepared for a chamber taken from a heart
The function, the beat it reverberates at a compensated symphony
To all that pass, to running from the wings of every abdomen, a stinger  

Every passage in the sun, a lie to ray in the only one
Was explained in a gospel of the name of a woman who lived a life
Before the stars clawing out the night, a tapestry of Messianic time
People that never existed living lives that never were  

Fitting the blueprints of expectancy’s curves, like tectonic plates of hopeless
Arabians and Judaic smiles the savior comes and Romans compile
The truth in courts and judge’s scales and I cry to you love
Tell me who you are, not this farce of tastes, but the body from the star  

Dust of other galaxies disbursed, you and me, we are the same here of this Earth
I am calling like a rock to the sun, alive as any hardened or softened granted perspective
That I am hopeful of the time to see the sum  

Of these days in metamorphic wait pay out in the caress of lips to kiss
This stony face is breathing out his nothingness, the blank façade of hopelessness
I give it all away to write a single love poem, indulgence of a poet’s plight
Lying here ashore in the tides of March

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