Friday, March 22, 2013

The Revolution of the Obvious

I am pleased to inform you that the monotheistic reign has ended
The three-headed beast-plant has had its roots truncated from its liquid food
Ignorance is in drought, depleting like a naked army in flight
From the swirling hive-mind consideration of the paradigm-changer 

The internet is beckoning the younglings of Zion, Islam, and Christ to reconsider
The trough for the nutrients-within interacting through enzymes, organic exodus
From mountains of lightning bolt tablets, white flying horses, and rolled-away stones
An Earth before the heavens for space time with no boundaries   

One universe closes another opens and so in time, the expanse shall implode, yet
Expand again on the flip side of a gravitational point of infinite density compiled
To bend the laws of assumptions traversing three-thousand years in twenty billion
As if counts were relevant, yet materially perspective is  

Of all things pertinent to armies against Darwin, Einstein, Hubble, Hawking and Hitchens
Eloquent and stifled in the mornings of mats and yeomen’s rakes to redefine eternity
In Planck time with photons and wrapping one’s brain about massless energy teetering unstable 

To the moment before the before and we each agree there was a measure of always
A must constant outside or independent to time, for time requires counting and how can one count without a beginning, so in this egotism so many see a reflected image of ourselves
As if we, in our complex-thought unique to this planet were possibly unique to our universe  

Or dare be it the star-dust this planet and all its inhabitants represent
For everything in this universe was most likely in a universe before this universe
The matter in the accretion of particles to break up the nebula were once energy
That energy was once mass and before that energy in a perpetual exchange  

For whatever we are, we were and will be in another again, given our feeble grasp of time’s
Soliloquy speaking to us in its paradigm not humanity’s, and so to imprint a placeholder
On the design on the universe as subject to the tongue of a single species is Narcissistic damnation; here in the folds of this skin wrapping us in mental coffins  

So dare be that time has allowed the world to think alone in our rooms and we are waking
To see the pews, the mats, the temple scrolls as attempts at quandaries that have overstayed their welcome and brought so much more war than peace; division rather than interconnection
To say there is not a case to be had for we know the answer is love beyond the filler in the tomes  

What more of life is required? 
What other construction surrounding such an encapsulated tool
does any form of complex life require?  

There is a reason the Beatles resonated, there is a reason Shakespeare calls to us
There is a reason Gandhi is revered; there is a reason Mother Teresa was misguided
There is a reason Martin Luther King could set the master stroke
There is a reason Pope Benedict is in exile; and it is the difference between love and religion 

Love is independent of each form we attempt to attach and so very present within
Retain the love and shed the paltry claims of exclusivity and the world will parade into reason
Every year the measure climbs from around forty and under as of present and climbing  

We do not believe in any form of discrimination: gender, racial, religious, ethnicity, age, or sexual orientation or identity.  We do not believe in war; ‘we don’t care what you say, who’s your God, where there is oil; nothing is all right about war.’  Find another way.  We do not believe making the masses feckless to machines and then hording the profit in our manufacturing, energy, healthcare, communications, education, or public safety is advantageous to humanity.  We believe in revolution. 

We are raising our children away from your Gods in private.  We are verbalizing the questions at our dinner tables and challenging the perdition you imprint as consequence.  The ultimate blasphemy is to subject another generation to an affront to ration based on words imparted to an illiterate merchant in the seventeenth century or books written by men forty years later than a “failed-execution” about a man who may have never existed, let alone done that which embellished details catering to local Messianic prophesies entailed.   

Oh, the nerves intersected, the maddening inoculation of time, the escalation at sixty years opposed to ten, twenty, thirty; at which point does enlightenment of de-conversion become an option?  The careers of Angel Gabriel, the family tree of Abraham, the Greek God impregnating humans from Olympus and Mary in a manager; Oh the rapturous illusions to connect such storytelling to assuage what, for what, for what does the universe achieve in such tales?  

Were these translated and translated accents in languages and dotted I’s and crossed deserts to change meanings in Greco-Roman paradigms after three centuries of Christian plight to win over Caesar and what for the sovereignty of the Vatican without the line to Mussolini?  

Proteins to RNA, DNA, Higgs Bosson triggering the subatomic particles mass from zero to a universe extrapolating from the radiation from a nuclear reaction beaming at 180,000 miles per second to floating atoms breaking the boundaries on this tiny rock far enough to be unfrozen and close enough to a non-inferno, that the bar of this life was relinquished in time here, but not like a virgin birth to the universe or the universes before.  No, the bursting to microscopic, to plankton, to sea lily, to fish, to newt, to shrew, to two legs of common ancestry all relative like Einstein’s formula to time and space; location of measurement and assumptions to assert what is boundless  

At the end of which; we are a people just crying out to be loved
We want a God to love us; to assert that we are on the correct path
And yet look around at this planet how we have divided ourselves into parceled dominions,
Where is love?  Oh love, you are spinning before us overcomplicating the obvious. 

We are young; we love you; we say this not to impale your hearts or stone you by law,
But to liberate ourselves and those who will follow in the diminishing reign of ignorance
Your generation has led us to find; we love you for this even if you do not understand. 

So you see, this cannot be stopped now; the knowing is known and continues to illuminate
The corners of the universe to decouple this mandate that justice must be shackled to morality
Morality is innate to volition; immorality can go unopposed; morality can go unappreciated
There need not be eternities of consequence; love is the end of itself;  

The absence of love the punishment; the presence the reward
For this is the singularity of time resounding so that time is merely an illusion of the universe
Playing games form that which the matter of beings was, is and will be dispersed, rearranged
To ascend to the pinnacle of our state and choose; love or fear.

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