Thursday, March 14, 2013

Lunch Today: 3/14/13

On my lunch hour from work, drove home, saw the street mower had
Plowed through my road ‘for sale by owner’ sign at the front of the neighborhood
Been a year, this is the third one  

Ate quick, sandwich in the fridge,
Head out on the highway to get a new one at Lowes
Interstate, low tire pressure light comes on, exit, parking lot of hardware big box
Unscrewing caps checking inflation numbers 

Guy on crutches moving towards me, over hear another guy say, “I don’t have any cash.”
Down on my knees, different voice sounds,
“I am a homeless vet, just got out of the hospital.", Shows me a bracelet.
"Been sleeping in the woods over there.  I can stay in the shelter cross the road for $16 a week.”
I give the man with the missing leg a twenty, the cash I got on me
He asks for an address to mail it back one day. 

I shake his hand and check my other tires, can’t find a low one
Digital diagnostic says deficient, physical check says ok
I stand up; walk into the Lowes, passing the pick-up truck fellas
Purchase my new sign to post  

Head to a craft store to buy a collage frame for my folks for some pictures
We took together with my brothers and their grandkids around the end of 2012
Got a job interview in the morning in New Orleans
Listened to Springsteen, ‘The Darkness on the Edge of Town’ back at work

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