Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Drugs and the Decalogue

I was trying to wrap my brain around the global drug war again
My mind landed on the ten commandments of Moses
I thought of a magical mountain where tablets were conveniently crafted
In lightning to stone in a language understood by heathens 

Fornicating and contracting syphilis by inserting penises in golden calves
Burning bushes and lying about it to their spouses and children
The gilded trinkets jangled from body parts screaming for skin to be covered
Women to be blanketed as too big an enticement  

Rules were sent from the heavens and carried by Charlton Hesston in minds of Americans
As is most of the logic transported through fervent witnesses who believe  
Someone-feared will attempt to pry the book from their cold-dead hands  

Raised in torment at Amalek steady and perpetuating prosperity
As long as, as long as, as long as we keep the standards raised
A law is a law is a law is a law as long as we hold it up
For what, to better or to control? 

Does the law create more harm than it prevents?
Does the commandment toil the world more than aid?  

The Decalogue: one I am the one, listen only to me.
Two, idolatry distracts from me, back to me .
Three, I am always listening, if you curse me others will notice and persecute you.
Four, tithe on the seventh day, I am entitled to your resources.
Five, honor your parents, they did this, so you should do this, don’t break the chain.
Six, No murder, this is the first one not really about me, but I guess I have to throw you a bone.
Seven, sex with other people’s partners is frowned upon, it leads to instability and people blaming me and stopping the tithing so don’t mess with my gang.
Eight, No stealing, don’t take other people’s stuff, because it is really all my stuff and when you steal it you are less likely to tithe it back .
Nine, No bearing false witness, no making shit up that sounds crazy, I have the monopoly.
Ten, No coveting, no wanting, I am all you need, I make you happy, giving me everything is joy.

The capsule sits on the counter asking, what was morality before the law?
Murder, lying, and stealing are inherently bad
Some people’s parents are assholes and should not be honored for fornicating you into the world
The rest sound like rants from an insecure ideologue fascist demanding compliance  

I keep coming back to, did anyone ever need the book, the mythical tablets, the word
To know morality?  I cannot fathom a people who would
Out of the ten, seven are clearly fraught with self-serving manipulation
I see the death industries of cocaine, marijuana, and heroin 

The murders, the beatings, the rapes, the lies, and the thefts outnumber the overdoses
And ruined dreams over the blessed dreams of the fearful who never tried because of a law
Ohhh, the prohibition hidden to know one the deterrents of having to go to a Blue Cross
For your Adderall instead of methamphetamines

Addiction and counseling, rehabilitation and hospitals, science and religion are still at war
The drugs are no different; I see the putrid glaze of religion all over the conservative paradox
The party of self-responsibility of individual freedoms and choice are the browbeaters of the Decalogue, the Ten Commandments to post in our Southern court rooms for jurisprudence   

That a mandate for morality is somehow morality,
That this pill is corporately sanctioned, this pill is from the Earth and uncontrollable,
That this morality is etched in stone by lightning, this morality is universal to the self
There is no monopoly on salvation or goodness or knowing or peace  

So that when assumptions are made to such we divest our ration that a man or woman
Is capable of choosing, to kill or not, to steal or not, to lie or not without penalty
To inject poison into our veins so that we make laws against suicide
To comply with the will of a book projecting such an eternal commitment in a world
Where no perpetuator of such a law could be set to trial.

So we are a planet of convicts with no jury, no judge and a wasteland of disorder
Created out of laws taunting man’s volition to inflict crimes against himself
For what is inhalation of cocaine in such a context, but skipping worship?
Who is harmed, who is victim, who is perpetrator?  

What profits but the legislator, the arbiter, to convert such acts of the self to the self
Into crimes of societal ignominy and imprisonment
Woman, cover your breasts or you invite rape.  Sir, you cannot marry him.
Use the other water fountain, the other bench.  Pay the poll tax.  

Oh such lines of the Decalogue extended into the mountains of thought-crimes
Turned physical morphing our prisons over time with the tablets of pulverizing
Our volition to place such stones upon the mantle of our mind.

I can think of nothing more disgusting, whoever thought of this must have been on drugs. 

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