Thursday, March 28, 2013


What makes a rock-star a rock-star; confidence
The difference between wondering if the crowd will respond and expecting it
Not with anger's demand directed at the jostling faces, but at the unseen face
Collectively asserting a will at the establishment, the man, the repressor  

Whoever is on the mountain will be given the hell-yeah or the middle-finger salute
Not in a demonization of reducing the self to a guttural miscreant bent on anarchy,
But in the revelry of a preacher, the leader as anti-hero, wiping the slate
For celebration of the underclass to lose the link to the mundane  

Screaming aloud in galvanized chant to become alien and domesticated
In a foreign congress raising the gavel in a sea of millions asserting
A commiserated sentiment wafted about as the energy in the air
A rock-star fosters this kinetic-will like a survivalist with the friction of sticks 

Rubbing God from the very oxygen we breathe to ignite
The flame seen in the headlights of difference
Between Saturday nights and Sunday Mornings
The drum beats, chorus, the bass throbbing lines of cocaine-adrenaline  

A man stands firm in who, what, and where he is in the moment
His life on a stage and no one to blame what comes out the microphone, but free-will
Aloft on the swan’s wings of beautiful destruction riding a pyromaniac's Armageddon
To lay waste to the assumption that boys and girls should stay in the play-pen  

When mother and father look away; the dangers are what prevent zombification
The sodomy of the paycheck, the racial waiting-lines of casted nets
Choirs singing on fire, alive-fanatics for the enigmatic reverse-transportation across
Einstein’s formula from body into photon shedding mass for the Higgs Boson 

To go faster than the speed of light and traverse back in time
To forget all the horrid lies of adulthood leeched from adolescence
The sins of malignant confessions washed away in the seafaring crowd
An ocean of forgiveness blessed by the bravery to scream aloud  

Every chorus, every word, of a God-damn rock-star raising the congregation
Showing the beauty in the self-that sometimes a riot is an act of love
When not assaulted on the brother or sister standing next to you,
But the idea that hinders minds from that which connects us all  

Rock-stars are good at that; I wish the capital cities had a few more:
Joe Strummer’s, Chuck D’s, Bruce Springsteen’s, Bob Marley’s, and Woody Guthrie’s
Not to serve as kings, but to raise the people to sing for ourselves
And ignite a more fervent democracy of tumultuous-love!

Moving towards the Humid

It is the ache of rebirth, learning what I feel I should remember or
Know from prior experience intimidating me in the raw of change
I was dead in the rural enclave, no need of water or sun, choice or volition
None of it mattered; this made perpetuity facile. 

Yet now, I am moving back to the realm of the living
I am sensing pain again at the startling arid wind to cheeks and the bastard slap of hope
Ever so aware I have no parental cushion; death here is true death
The removal of a life I wish to carry out 

Tendrils will be truncated in any such peril the tears of aspiration flood
Far more devious than the desert of resigned apathy

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Which Side are You On?

Today, 3/26/13, ration goes on trial in the Supreme Court.  On one end we have our interconnection, all people equal under the law.  There is no greater principle to our society.  Not limited to our American nation, but our global community.   

Marriage is certainly no mandatory device for procreation, love, or pair bonding.  We have ritualized the contractual nature of pair bonding into a device which attempts to cement a foothold on stability which is advantageous on some root to ward off the chaotic side effects of bastard children, arguments over wanton trysts, and ultimately the inheritance of wealth.    

The lines of how one divides the lots of kings and queens is so much more civil when bastards can be syphoned from the “legitimate.”  For in the case of treasured gold we have evolved marriage into a mechanism of tax deductions, who is privy to bedside conversations in beeping hospital rooms, custody and support over minors, alimony, rights to domiciles, property segregations.  The process of divorce illuminates the consequence of marriage far more than any wedding day.  The plea of any family-court-room parent or x’d-out spouse knows the reasons to have a right to marry whom we please and accept the risks.   

Opponents will argue sanctity of procreation, traditional interpretation and practice.  For the first a hysterectomy or vasectomy would make one ineligible for a wedding band.  For the second what of people round up into camps or roped up in trees.  The arguments are filled with lies linked to the grand lie; that justice or morality lives in tradition, any sacred book, or any pious elite.  Morality lives within the free will of the individual breathing not by the democracy of the majority, but the civilities of equality, kindness, empathy, love, and a recognition of our universal interconnection independent of how many find them convenient. 

Today ration goes on trial in the Supreme Court.  One side cannot even make a constitutional appeal in its own state, because its argument is inherently infected with a cross-contamination of a version of church and state.  It cannot speak these verses without losing in a court of law, despite passing some majority in the contest of public sentiment.  Without this counterbalance America passes ever so into the theocratic dominion of countries like Iran, where the secular government is but a puppet.  People begin to speak one way in public and another at the dinner table in fear of being shown an infidel to our naked emperors.  

Today the principles of Thomas Jefferson that allowed a country to form despite puritanical biases are on trial.  Ration is about to burst into song.  This will be a victory for humanity as protests rant in Paris, we each must ask in our ration, “Which side are we on?” 

Friday, March 22, 2013

The Revolution of the Obvious

I am pleased to inform you that the monotheistic reign has ended
The three-headed beast-plant has had its roots truncated from its liquid food
Ignorance is in drought, depleting like a naked army in flight
From the swirling hive-mind consideration of the paradigm-changer 

The internet is beckoning the younglings of Zion, Islam, and Christ to reconsider
The trough for the nutrients-within interacting through enzymes, organic exodus
From mountains of lightning bolt tablets, white flying horses, and rolled-away stones
An Earth before the heavens for space time with no boundaries   

One universe closes another opens and so in time, the expanse shall implode, yet
Expand again on the flip side of a gravitational point of infinite density compiled
To bend the laws of assumptions traversing three-thousand years in twenty billion
As if counts were relevant, yet materially perspective is  

Of all things pertinent to armies against Darwin, Einstein, Hubble, Hawking and Hitchens
Eloquent and stifled in the mornings of mats and yeomen’s rakes to redefine eternity
In Planck time with photons and wrapping one’s brain about massless energy teetering unstable 

To the moment before the before and we each agree there was a measure of always
A must constant outside or independent to time, for time requires counting and how can one count without a beginning, so in this egotism so many see a reflected image of ourselves
As if we, in our complex-thought unique to this planet were possibly unique to our universe  

Or dare be it the star-dust this planet and all its inhabitants represent
For everything in this universe was most likely in a universe before this universe
The matter in the accretion of particles to break up the nebula were once energy
That energy was once mass and before that energy in a perpetual exchange  

For whatever we are, we were and will be in another again, given our feeble grasp of time’s
Soliloquy speaking to us in its paradigm not humanity’s, and so to imprint a placeholder
On the design on the universe as subject to the tongue of a single species is Narcissistic damnation; here in the folds of this skin wrapping us in mental coffins  

So dare be that time has allowed the world to think alone in our rooms and we are waking
To see the pews, the mats, the temple scrolls as attempts at quandaries that have overstayed their welcome and brought so much more war than peace; division rather than interconnection
To say there is not a case to be had for we know the answer is love beyond the filler in the tomes  

What more of life is required? 
What other construction surrounding such an encapsulated tool
does any form of complex life require?  

There is a reason the Beatles resonated, there is a reason Shakespeare calls to us
There is a reason Gandhi is revered; there is a reason Mother Teresa was misguided
There is a reason Martin Luther King could set the master stroke
There is a reason Pope Benedict is in exile; and it is the difference between love and religion 

Love is independent of each form we attempt to attach and so very present within
Retain the love and shed the paltry claims of exclusivity and the world will parade into reason
Every year the measure climbs from around forty and under as of present and climbing  

We do not believe in any form of discrimination: gender, racial, religious, ethnicity, age, or sexual orientation or identity.  We do not believe in war; ‘we don’t care what you say, who’s your God, where there is oil; nothing is all right about war.’  Find another way.  We do not believe making the masses feckless to machines and then hording the profit in our manufacturing, energy, healthcare, communications, education, or public safety is advantageous to humanity.  We believe in revolution. 

We are raising our children away from your Gods in private.  We are verbalizing the questions at our dinner tables and challenging the perdition you imprint as consequence.  The ultimate blasphemy is to subject another generation to an affront to ration based on words imparted to an illiterate merchant in the seventeenth century or books written by men forty years later than a “failed-execution” about a man who may have never existed, let alone done that which embellished details catering to local Messianic prophesies entailed.   

Oh, the nerves intersected, the maddening inoculation of time, the escalation at sixty years opposed to ten, twenty, thirty; at which point does enlightenment of de-conversion become an option?  The careers of Angel Gabriel, the family tree of Abraham, the Greek God impregnating humans from Olympus and Mary in a manager; Oh the rapturous illusions to connect such storytelling to assuage what, for what, for what does the universe achieve in such tales?  

Were these translated and translated accents in languages and dotted I’s and crossed deserts to change meanings in Greco-Roman paradigms after three centuries of Christian plight to win over Caesar and what for the sovereignty of the Vatican without the line to Mussolini?  

Proteins to RNA, DNA, Higgs Bosson triggering the subatomic particles mass from zero to a universe extrapolating from the radiation from a nuclear reaction beaming at 180,000 miles per second to floating atoms breaking the boundaries on this tiny rock far enough to be unfrozen and close enough to a non-inferno, that the bar of this life was relinquished in time here, but not like a virgin birth to the universe or the universes before.  No, the bursting to microscopic, to plankton, to sea lily, to fish, to newt, to shrew, to two legs of common ancestry all relative like Einstein’s formula to time and space; location of measurement and assumptions to assert what is boundless  

At the end of which; we are a people just crying out to be loved
We want a God to love us; to assert that we are on the correct path
And yet look around at this planet how we have divided ourselves into parceled dominions,
Where is love?  Oh love, you are spinning before us overcomplicating the obvious. 

We are young; we love you; we say this not to impale your hearts or stone you by law,
But to liberate ourselves and those who will follow in the diminishing reign of ignorance
Your generation has led us to find; we love you for this even if you do not understand. 

So you see, this cannot be stopped now; the knowing is known and continues to illuminate
The corners of the universe to decouple this mandate that justice must be shackled to morality
Morality is innate to volition; immorality can go unopposed; morality can go unappreciated
There need not be eternities of consequence; love is the end of itself;  

The absence of love the punishment; the presence the reward
For this is the singularity of time resounding so that time is merely an illusion of the universe
Playing games form that which the matter of beings was, is and will be dispersed, rearranged
To ascend to the pinnacle of our state and choose; love or fear.

A samurai staring in the mirror

Stress in the eardrum like water stranded rolling in a crevice
The aqueduct has no drainage, hearing numbed to the belly of the beast
Feeds in the pit of my stomach pirating whatever nourishment is
Inserted through my mouth, stretch the tongue down my gullet

Here it comes, the explosion of erosion, melt the acids to breakdown
The commotion into lost nourishment for sensitive details
Muscles cannot grow when the monster gnaws on every bone
Sink down an answer and the creature metastasizes the marrow to cancer  

No transfusions, no delusions of letting go the awful constitution
Bill of demands, Faustian bargain in a foreign land
Pay the piper dwelling within, only way out is to kill me to kill him 
Chemotherapy paid for with a life-savings  

Devour the bills with the rainbow pills;
Charge-master says it is thirty-thousand in sliver to jump off the window sill
Unplug the doctrine, re-inform the chaplain, this is it, there is no more
No coming back, no going forward  

Falling in the heat of wet bed sheets,
Sweat wrecks in the pounding on an empty chest 
Enzymes craving the outsides, flesh gone corrupt to break the nut
Take me far, far away; throw this heart in the chest of another  

Donate the love and destroy the brain, spoils of civil war
Forgotten names, the self is not a self with a brutality cold
Too distant to remember to argue, bodies die and lives continue
Talk in circles and slide to mute; the warrior caged inside seppuku  

See the slit and smell the blood, the room can hear the sounds
Of a cancer’s bell rung, knock out round, the sum of nothingness
Particles rearranged; universal time, this was not the first game
No matter the sentiment the history is greater than any singularity

Thursday, March 21, 2013

A love poem for spring time

Love, I wanted to write you a poem
Maybe it was a song I heard, a wish I wish was not true
Resting on the border of a window pane,
Clear as this avenue of anarchy in an afternoon sun  

Unset, chaotic as a gaseous dying orb of time a story balled
To smile the lines of weight misting out the tragic days
Nesting here intimate as an empty pillow held and mourned
Tomorrows buried with the shattered glass reflected now all that’s past  

Remembering the identity of pains renewed, to try again and feel it true
The walking life of movement’s course, to say goodbye to the expected north
Of all that is will always be, the permanence of coffin streets
Laid to rest in honeycombs sweet as a permaculture exodus of homes  

The bees they fly here today, the pesticides of love and all at once
The cloud departs and one never can be prepared for a chamber taken from a heart
The function, the beat it reverberates at a compensated symphony
To all that pass, to running from the wings of every abdomen, a stinger  

Every passage in the sun, a lie to ray in the only one
Was explained in a gospel of the name of a woman who lived a life
Before the stars clawing out the night, a tapestry of Messianic time
People that never existed living lives that never were  

Fitting the blueprints of expectancy’s curves, like tectonic plates of hopeless
Arabians and Judaic smiles the savior comes and Romans compile
The truth in courts and judge’s scales and I cry to you love
Tell me who you are, not this farce of tastes, but the body from the star  

Dust of other galaxies disbursed, you and me, we are the same here of this Earth
I am calling like a rock to the sun, alive as any hardened or softened granted perspective
That I am hopeful of the time to see the sum  

Of these days in metamorphic wait pay out in the caress of lips to kiss
This stony face is breathing out his nothingness, the blank façade of hopelessness
I give it all away to write a single love poem, indulgence of a poet’s plight
Lying here ashore in the tides of March

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Why People Invent sky-Gods

We want to believe someone notices that we are doing a “good” job with our existence.  That someone is on our side, always accepting, loving, wanting our effort, an imprinted parent in the beyond.  We want someone to desire our best, to listen.  This is the core of our basis thrust from our minds away from the silence of self-reliant solitude into the companionship of a friend without any duty to perform, but is ordained with foresight, intuition, competence, wisdom, strength and every splendid quality of worth we wish to embody, but are too weak, confused, ignorant or flawed to expect of or cultivate in or through ourselves.

Our hunger for justice is fed in rationalizing that our species’ “proper” behavior is pertinent over “unlawful” behavior when an omnipresent arbiter is aware of all actions by all people.  This appetite of ecumenical equilibrium leads to waves of chants of “everything happens for a reason” attributed to a greater purpose beyond causation or correlation.  
This distances the work and perceived toil of self-actualization into a task above our capability.  We are reduced to subservient feeble worship to a form of sky-God.  In turn we are relinquished from the rational labor of investigating ourselves.  We are made shiftless and labor-less.  We become children in such indulgences that we deem holy mandates.   
Monotheistic dogmas seek war to uphold such pillars of absolutism and beckon the peaceful to imbibe ritualization to imprison free-will inside itself.  Volition handcuffs itself in the rear of squad cars barred in hierarchical dungeons of parents begetting children tattooing a legacy of predetermination mocking the abolition of ignorance at each peek of the Hubble telescope or alternative translation of tome. 
We peer out rather than in.  We teach ourselves to stare away from the obvious for the illogical mysteries of faiths with salvation-lotteries of treasure commensurate with our rational self-actualization forfeited to participate.  
We cease asking questions after being placated with an answerless answer.  In turn we speak for our sky-God.  We sense.  We feel.  We interpret what we swear is truth so that we never have to syphon fact and fiction naked in a public square.  This is done for us by our sky-God.   
Knowing is so much easier, peaceful, and complacent; it keeps the fear of nudity away.  We can all be emperors robed in our pre-scripted notion of justice, morality and virtue rather than any we had to uncover and take ownership of innate to ourselves.   
The sky-God appears to keep our species from returning to wild-animals, when the paradoxical reality is apparent to the inverse at every corner of the globe.  That which we are told is blasphemous is our inherent morality demanding the empowerment of the crucible of our existence, (free-will).   
Volition usurps the responsibility of any sky-God.  In free-will we become adults of another sort, one so much of the Earth wishes to ignore and be as children manifesting differences where there are not differences so that we can apply false logics, reasons and attribute justice to tides bound by the gravity of perdition. 

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Regarding Jindal’s Louisiana sales tax plan: a wonky rant

Texas has land and with it Ad Valorem taxes that come from the ever expanding network of cookie-cutter Puelte-3000 sq ft on tiny lot neighborhoods that make cities like Dallas and Houston a combo of property tax and sales tax wonderlands.  The idea that corporations move towards states without state income taxes when all things being equal is true; it is a valid argument on a state-to state competitive level.  It is however, not the only variable.   Louisiana’s level of poverty is not comparable to Texas’ cheap immigrant labor force as a degree of social benefits and aid. 

The state voucher plan for education that Jindal champions is systematically incongruent with a high ad valorem tax system, because people are not going to pay to move to a neighborhood for a school system when district membership is irrelevant.  People do that in Texas, where zip code determines district and so they pay the taxes to get in and then bitch like hell when their state legislature redistributes funds around districts.  This is another reason Jindal has to go sales tax.

What Jindal is doing is setting the stage from his exit from the governor’s mansion and his 2016 presidential run.  He has an ubber-red state legislature and a state constitution that gives the governor far more power than most state’s.  Jindal cannot go with the level of property taxes, so he is defaulting to sales taxes, which will only lead to a greater gap for so many of the working poor. 

Basically his ideology assumes the added companies that will “flock” to Louisiana will generate added tax revenues to make this policy revenue neutral.  When in reality the thousands of Louisianians who pay no or little state income tax and are on some form of public aid, will be funneling more of their working-class money to taxes they did not previously owe and the people who make more may pay the same, but will probably pay less.  It is systemic of the consolidation of wealth issue in the United States.  The money kept by the higher earners will not be re-spent or re-circulated at the rates the ‘less-taxed’ lower earners do now in the absence of the additional sales taxes. 
The reality is when people’s budgets are stretched to the brink and you tax the food they buy, their transportation, utility bills, clothes, health care and daily needs, the gap in this country that decreases consumer spending will only expand.  What really should enlighten Louisiana citizens is what the Jefferson, Orleans or Bossier City total sales taxes would be when you combine the sales taxes from the state, the city, the parish, the road districts and so forth.   This could spiral from 9 to 15 percent with this plan. 
Plus the internet issue is enormous.  You would have to go through so much legal shit to get anything we buy on Amazon or ebay or Wal to get taxed at Louisiana state rates.  Sure a Louisiana business with an internet sale to a Louisiana point of destination that gets taxed now, because the laws make it required.  The mythical tax nexus of interstate commerce that is a federal taxing jurisdiction is why when you check out at Amazon, there is no tax.  Should sales taxes be charged at Amazon, hell yes.  It is a giant tax loop hole that every citizen of the United States with half-an-ounce of sense is exploiting for seven to ten percent off and every local brick and mortar store takes it on the chin. 
If this plan goes into effect, in a state like ours, without what would require federal level tax legislation by Congress on Internet retailers, and possibly a supreme court decision or constitutional amendment regarding a state's power to tax interstate commerce, I will buy even more of my stuff online and I doubt I will be in the minority.  Try to keep things revenue ‘neutral’ then.
The irony as a CPA and a bit of fiscal wonk in looking at this, albeit from a distance, is that the major successes of the film industry, solar energy, chemical and the biotech industry coming towards Louisiana in recent years has to do with primarily state income tax incentives.  It would seem if you eliminate the state-income tax all together you are punching the progress in those niches in the womb.  Why the hell would you do that Piyush Jindal? 
For what, to set up some magical story to tell on your campaign trail?  Yeah, you are an arrogant smarty-pants who is going to look like a dumb ass when Louisiana’s deficit increases, you’re out of office campaigning on the success of Louisiana which is getting better in your Republican party campaign bubble, but Louisiana is not Florida or Texas.  We are an old state with tons of rural poverty, a jewel in New Orleans full or artists, and are saved by our economic access to water, which includes ironically the economic federal stimulus from hurricanes and oil spills occurring during a national recession.
Even without state income taxes, the oil and gas headquarters that moved to Houston are not coming back to New Orleans.  Maybe if we tried that in the seventies, it might have worked, but Louisiana is a different place now.  We move at a different speed and that is an asset not a liability.
Jindal, just go, just go.  You got changed in a political cult.  I use to support you.  You are better than some of the dumbasses we have had in Baton Rouge.  At least you are not Rick Perry or Edwin Edwards.  In all irony if you wanted to get elected president, you should know first your racist party will never nominate you and even if you were white, you come across as an intellicutual which is a death sentence on that end of the aisle.  Second you should focus on digital advances to make the voucher education system work.  Instead you side with the religious issue, because again, you are so concerned that someone in your base will get confused and think you are not a Christian.  The reality that a Louisiana student can go to school online if that is what fits his or her family best is great.
The solar industry and film industry wins are awesome.  Louisiana is building a threshold in industries that will sustain and otherwise would not even consider coming here.  This sales tax crap is ideologically flawed.  The targeted state income tax incentives, those work.  Do that.  Get the businesses here in biotech along Canal Street by the new hospital.  Get the chemical plants that can use our waterways and access to the gulf.  Don’t try to be everything.  We have to suck at some stuff to be great at certain specific objectives. 
I don’t expect a Republican governor to tackle poverty or be socially adroit to understand issues that are really federal issues, because they are issues with drug laws, the lack of single payer health care, and top federal income tax rates as a mutual assurance amongst all 50 states.  A state governor can not do much on that, but these targeted industries a Republican state governor should be able to focus on that.  You were not totally screwing that up, even if it was by accident. 
But you can’t neuter the health care system in this state; you can’t ignore the crazy creationism some private schools want to teach our kids and allow them to take vouchers and call it science.  You can't campaign for Rick Perry and Mitt Romney and watch America reject them, go back call them stupid and offer up a new form of stupidity.
You want to know how to save the Republican party: push marijuana decriminalization as a national issue and push the conversion of all government retirement to defined contribution and end defined benefit.  Ignore abortion, that fight is over.  Support human rights and gay marriage and rights because your party sounds like a bunch of klansmen to anyone under forty when you say that crap.

The first two are economic issues that your base would love if you had not addicted them to the non-empirically sound delusions of Fox News.  The second two are huge points of alienation on non-issues that your party insists on making issues, because the majority of Americans and trending of Americans are not going back to more repression, to less freedom. 
Carl Rove wondered how all the young people that came out for Obama’s first election didn’t just stay home dispassionately ambivalent for his second, but in fact came out in greater numbers.  How could that happen?  The reason is that people are connected to each other across this nation through the internet better than ever and the microcosm of Fox News is a bubble that does not reflect reality.  The sharing of information will only expand.  When politicians fail to see the economic interaction of policy in the lives of those people, those policies will be rejected. 
Obama has a long way to go, his drone strikes, his inability to form a consensus renewable energy plan, his inability to point out the short comings of the Affordable Health Care Act and explain to the American people what Single Payer Health Care really is, his increased crack down on drugs and its effect on prison-America, the lack of focus on the Progressive Caucus’ budget plan: oh the list goes on.  However, if Jindal thinks this master-plan of eliminating state income taxes in Louisiana with what the people of Louisiana are dealing with, with our reality then like Carl Rove on election night, then Piyush you really haven’t left the stupid party quite yet.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Lunch Today: 3/14/13

On my lunch hour from work, drove home, saw the street mower had
Plowed through my road ‘for sale by owner’ sign at the front of the neighborhood
Been a year, this is the third one  

Ate quick, sandwich in the fridge,
Head out on the highway to get a new one at Lowes
Interstate, low tire pressure light comes on, exit, parking lot of hardware big box
Unscrewing caps checking inflation numbers 

Guy on crutches moving towards me, over hear another guy say, “I don’t have any cash.”
Down on my knees, different voice sounds,
“I am a homeless vet, just got out of the hospital.", Shows me a bracelet.
"Been sleeping in the woods over there.  I can stay in the shelter cross the road for $16 a week.”
I give the man with the missing leg a twenty, the cash I got on me
He asks for an address to mail it back one day. 

I shake his hand and check my other tires, can’t find a low one
Digital diagnostic says deficient, physical check says ok
I stand up; walk into the Lowes, passing the pick-up truck fellas
Purchase my new sign to post  

Head to a craft store to buy a collage frame for my folks for some pictures
We took together with my brothers and their grandkids around the end of 2012
Got a job interview in the morning in New Orleans
Listened to Springsteen, ‘The Darkness on the Edge of Town’ back at work

Saturday, March 9, 2013

An Idiot’s Guide to Bettering America

I have written ten items with as little explanation as possible to get the point across.  I have expanded on these matters in other writings.  However what is most relevant is not the specificity explained, but the consensus to recognize that economics guides these issues for a better functioning government.  Economics is a science of human motivation, of recognizing likely outcomes with imperfect decision makers wavering between interest for the self and the group.  These are the steps in order of priority that I feel will aid our richest nation on the planet from the current path of our county, which if we stopped to analyze given our wealth our resurrection is vastly more feasible than the powers that be would have us realize.  For they have the preponderance of power and wealth and the easiest path to maintain their allotment is to pit us against each other and make our problems appear as unsolvable as possible.  

1.      End the drug war, decriminalize marijuana, cocaine, heroin, ecstasy, mushrooms and a slew of other substances and make them regulated taxable substances in raw material purchase programs with domestic farmers for some drugs and South and Central American governments for cocaine and a new Afghani government for opium.  Reprioritize public safety budgets and treat addiction as a disease inside health budgets.   

2.      Single-payer health care for all United States citizens.  End all private health insurance companies and premiums.  Replace with a health care tax based on income and fluctuating deductibles and per service copays based on current income for anyone under sixty and historical adjusted gross income for anyone over sixty.  Allow the system to negotiate drug prices and medical device costs as a whole to compete with the globe as the market, not our own country.  Implement a digital infrastructure over the web for every citizen to see up-front copays per service by location based on their AGI grade, along with the total cost to the tax payer owned system.   

3.      Switch all government retirement to Defined Contribution and reverse and ban defined benefit retirement for any government employee past or present.  Transition by reviewing the average return on investment per year per plan and allocate the employer contribution portion invested to participants based on quarters of service actually worked for the taxpayers.  Employee contributions are returned at what the employee contributed at the United States one year Treasury-bill rate per year invested.  If the system is at a loss the market risk goes back to the participant, not the taxpayer to make the system commensurate with the majority of private citizens results of market risk.  If there are excess funds after this allocation, the amount will be split based on quarters of service.  All retirements will move forward as defined contribution and more closely link current salaries with the competitive market place. 

4.      Cap all Federal and State wide campaign spending on elections for television and radio based on per capita census data.  Require candidate number to be used in pool to allocate funds requiring candidate approval prior to air on public airwaves.  

5.      Ban on ex-federal office politicians, staff, and aids from lobbying in Washington D.C. for ten years after serving public.  No federal politician or politician’s spouse including supreme court justices can own direct stock in any publically traded company or any private company that has a federal contract.  All stock would have to be liquidated or converted to a government bond or U.S. Treasuries.  If you don’t like it don’t run.  All 401k plans would be required to have an all U.S. security investment option included.  Limit congressional salaries and benefits to term only.  Cap congressional salaries at eighty percent of the median income in the district they represent based on digital IRS data.  

6.      Make environmental fines thirty-percent of all reported revenues in America for that company in any calendar year violation occurs with a twenty year look back and make the clean air and water act apply to fracking.  This will internalize environmental health to all energy companies and allow the private sector to lead our mutual health.  Prioritize renewable energy on government buildings including solar and wind farms to act as manufacturing center hubs in each state.  Transition sewerage and water treatment systems to implement solar to fuel lift and treatment stations and pumps to save taxpayer’s long term electricity costs.   Link local farmers with a digital infrastructure to facilitate purchase club memberships for produce and other healthy foods.  Make DNA ownership of a seed illegal.  

7.      End religion’s non-profit deduction status.  Only organizations with a public purpose can offer a citizen a tax deduction.  Religious organizations can still provide tax deductions to operate assistance programs for housing, food, domestic abuse, medical, psychological counseling, but tracking service requirements are required as they are with other nonprofits and donations have to be designated and tracked on 990’s.  Donations to build a house of worship building or a religious leader’s salary will no longer be tax deductible.   

8.      Cap military spending to a percentage less than one hundred percent of the combined top five other global military budgets. End drone attacks, which breed more people who want to kill Americans than they eliminate.   

9.      Expand school choice vouchers and nonprofit charter schools with parental choice with an addendum that all textbooks outside of any religion class be subject to approval by a national review board that the books do not contain explicit religious information or education.  Prayers in private schools receiving voucher funding are allowed before or during class, but not in lesson plans, particularly science.  

10.  Invest in digital infrastructures for data sharing and security in the areas of: education, health care, utility billing, fire protection, police protection, youth recreation leagues, music, dining, nonprofit services, food assistance, volunteering, housing assistance, job training, and local farming etc.  Create a governmental website like facebook which shares all this information as a hub or a group of linked spurs off a hub on a national level to link to a person’s zip code.  This will facilitate the evolution of the digital classroom and doctor’s office with a platform that fosters ingenuity and lower’s access costs to taxpayers.

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