Tuesday, February 9, 2016

facebook post 20160203

President Obama visited a mosque in Baltimore today, a historical first for a sitting president.  Religious freedom as a conservative circle talking point is often drenched in Christian supremacy akin to the assumed station of white supremacy dressed in a naked emperor’s clothing.  Obama was a man clothed in not only the right side of history today, tailored in empathy, love, and interconnection, but the stitching of pragmatism to the benefit of the citizens of this country.  The greatest ally seekers of religious freedom can have is a peaceful environment where all religions are free to worship in a respectful manner and continue to enjoy the tax benefits afforded by the American people to subsidize their faith.  The greatest allies Americans can have against militant terrorist individuals and groups claiming to represent Islam are the millions of peaceful practicing Muslims across America and the globe.  This is leadership. 

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