Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Hum in the Skydive

Feeling the listless pall of the old hum
The echo of the whistle slung strap-pack over a back
Clutching around a corner into the ear like a shepherd’s crook
The what is this; the where to go

Emotions sit like a carton of eggs unopened but previously traveled
Shaken some allotment in the voyage
The yellow run look of not that way in years
A tongue rubbing against the back of shell fractured teeth

Pursed smile, pent beyond mouths ready to eat sex, drink pussy and dick
Mention the chicken coops and black cream drenched shit soil
The cage free lifestyle in long white painted prisons huddled crotch of feathers
Mites and becoming peckish to avoid the seed with the antibiotics

The waterboarding feeding tubes like goose foie gras candidates 
To stay alive sloshed in the paycheck stubs and tax returns
Have to file by this weekend, get the solar credit
Be part of something with a chance to make it

The mendacious lollygagger Trump panels mocking water rise
Greenland melt into Shanghai’s gurgle
Time to pay for something in a loving currency
That empathetic exchange of I see you

To stand audacious with the culled bank reserve
To pay affections into the bravery to say, ‘Please stay.’
‘I want you to be here even when I crave alone.’
‘I want to believe you understand the balancing act I attempt’

I can stuff the shaking with coitus or hands on arms swimming in hips
I can drown out the words into a moaning silence
Hear the hum, the wandering siren choir of orgasms 
I can talk about depression berries and pharmaceutical savoir complexes

Powdered into the brain chemicals that make a sunrise connect past a sunset
Like shoelaces tying together one day at a time to walk stretches
The strength to see a point in eating this food of sharing this sway of a body
To elect to venture into the Chewbaccus parade or Barkus to be encompassed

The fear of having to come up with something to say, to stay steady in that moment
Of this is the world, the greater pasture, the masses and a body hold together as it enters that atmosphere
Not unravel into fired ash disintegrating disbursement over the Atlantic
I want to take your hand this way like an introvert skydivers and be 

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