Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Modern Economics:

Forces of the microchip’s exponentially increasing factor of productivity (i.e. Moore’s Law) tied to the creative potential of a single laborer on a planet of simultaneously exponentially increasing population leads to firms capable of producing resources to sustain society at unprecedented efficiency.  Firms are left with a choice in a vacuum of effective regulation to either retain the profits in the firm or to disperse those profits back to labor and society in a healthy portion to sustain species survival.  Firms consume natural resources at unsustainable rates when perpetuating capital growth is the standard measure of economic health rather than the long term living standards of the global population.  This prioritization concentrates wealth.  Left to our own devices those with power will hoard the resources and control over processes in order to maintain position.  The mathematics detail that government’s controlled by firms run at deficits because revenues are deficiently extracted from the aggregated oligarchs and the social welfare abscesses widen in an environment of unlivable wages which require public subsidization at an unsustainable rate.  This in turn causes the middle to blame the poor through the marketing efforts of the system that enriches those widening the wealth divide.  

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