Monday, April 1, 2013

Solstice to Spring; Ishtar to Easter

In the still of solstice-grip the frosting-breath coats the fallen leaves
The brambles gray to clear that the trees tower in deciduous conclusion
Lay naked amongst the shaved façade of earthen-imprint
The heathens frolic on the longest-night peering at the beacon stars  

The evergreen puzzle perambulates in anthropomorphized curves forming legs
Of fractal-talents carving differentials of punishment hoofing into the dirt 
As the lines given microscopic inspection bear jagged angles of deceit
Not miraculous rounded caress, but clumsy building blocks of trial and error  

In progress so that the immaculate-birth is all but an overlay
Of an image of a circle over a contiguous bricked line from always was
In energy of no hand to mold, but bursting out itself into itself
From the pulse of unstable, of negative into a positive so that the light  

Of a star that would come later out of the tweaking particles would
In time become the observer and in more the ground
So in this differential of relativity the jagged edge becomes visible
In time’s embrace as paternity and maternity are traded for humility  

This seasonal account of revolution to blanket one set of paragons
With another spoken paradigm and in the grip winter sits in woven-laughter
At the recollection of warmth coming to greet spring as tendrils suffer similar geometry
As fertility’s womb is staked real estate for the bees and the virgins  

The asexual nature of holiness bursting RNA with INRI
Ishtar for Easter cultivation of tilled soil for permanence in root
Feasting nutrients of parallel bovine sacrifice to Jupiter into human martyrdom
The sky will be fed tonight and so it is a talent to be paid tribute  

As a Roman is a Roman all be it cannibalism of grain traded for the roar of a lioness pride
Displayed in coliseum soliloquys of staged-emulation to act in theatrical martyr politicking
That the plague-winds are wafting in symmetry of ascribed custom overlaying custom
Of Torah through the moneychangers to buy the metal for nails used like stitches  

From one-ritualistic comfortable attire to adorn spring-clothing and shed that of winter
So in the angel Gabriel to Muhammad and the seasons rotate and re-rotate
With the Hubble’s piercing lens seeing through cloudscapes of circles stacked upon circles
The jagged-line continues as a meshed-nest giving birth and folding into cinders of ash
Smoking through the folding of a universe and out again through Planck time
For fresh suns and daughters to brighten deserts, forests and the vast space in between
Given the darkness the photons bide their time to allow the observer to peer into the past,
Yet be blind to the present

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