Tuesday, April 16, 2013

A Rant: the Global Economic State

Imagine a triangle pointed down over another triangle pointed up resting on the ground so that the two form a sort of hour glass.  On the top is money in the hands of a few people and on the bottom is the rest of humanity with a commensurately small amount of money.  Now some may venture into socialist ideologies or misconceptions that the global economy would be better off flat, but they would be wrong.  Capitalism is not evil or horrid or even the entirely wrong premise for progress.  However the unfettered version of global economic capitalism we have chosen to lead us into 2013 has left us with such a disparity with so much of the Globe’s wealth in such a microcosm of people. 

Times of such disparity are not novel, but the manner in which we have arrived at such times ripe for Robin Hood are.  The expansion of technology to replace the average and below average minds of our working community capable of the primary manual endeavors of the past has left a preponderance of the working class feckless to the processing of microchips.  We find our economies more “productive” with a growing human populace externalizing the base needs of the vast majority of people into a state of unsustainable self-sufficiency. 

We are drawn into pondering the very definition of what is an economy. In an economy, the exchange of goods and services flows like blood allowing the individual members of our super-organism to elect to and to participate in gainful endeavors which benefit society at large through labor.  Everyday an individual sits idle the whole suffers.  We bear a sunk cost for the sustenance provided for an individual who could have aided our collective in even the tiniest of financial or non-financial pursuits, yet was either ostracized by a lack of opportunity or by volition.  

The majority of humans seek to be needed, to be seen, to be heard, emotionally and though tactile interchange of toil from the muscles in our arms or the cognitive activity of our brain.  The iterations of potential contributions in any single hour of the planet of the current members is unique and irreplaceable.  To disenfranchise that potential based on an improvement in technology is dangerous.  If we misunderstand the cost benefit analysis of what it means to provide a competitive advantage to participants in a marketplace, who are not beholden to internalize the true expense to our super-organism a short-cut provides, the collective bears the burden while the market participants generally horde the rewards.

We see this in the all-time high of our stock-market equities during a grand-recession.  We see homelessness, cut utility bills, food-stamp debit cards, foreclosures and states suing themselves to reward citizens with federal disability to remove them from ballooning welfare rolls all within the cult of economics.  The disparity is frothing with blame, as if that same man’s father was able to work in a plant to earn his living was respected, and that same man has no economic-home as his paradigm has been replaced by a machine and a profit-sharing bonus to an executive.  Dividends to stock-holders are up.  We do not ask how they are created as long as the percentage increases. 

The living standards of health technology should lead to a healthier society, yet a quarter-pounder with cheese costs less than a head of lettuce or a bushel of apples.  We subsidize mono-crops and CAFO lots and ignore biology or simple gifts of slowing the disparity of the our global economic state into that hourglass.  We never pause in a moment of re-correction, to assert laws of labor, environmental preservation, or maximum-wage through taxation. 

We do not possess a communal understanding that health is not a free market good, just as fire protection is not a free market good.  It simply is not of that nature.  The results of the American medical system are as predictable as the extortionist firemen of early Rome.  The town burned.

The divide of commensurate disparity between the number of humans and the number of dollars is escalating faster and faster.  At what end do we acknowledge the debts of the Earth’s governments are interlinked with this obsession?  At what end do we wrestle with our self-induced extinction over a lottery mentality to wealth?  We could one day be well-off as well.  For this ideology we exchange our grandmothers off to commodity pick-up lines retired from decades of labor and now jointed by their grandchildren from years of useless over-educated degrees and stockpiles of college-debt.

We grow further distant from the tactile nature of being human.  We set ourselves behind digital phones and screens so that we can speak, but not speak.  We can befriend, but not embrace that which we are shoving under the rugs of our global economic ties.  The fifty cent an hour wage to exchange goods across borders is akin to that as Einstein pondered the best design of what would become the United Nations in the advent of nuclear weapons capable of eradicating massive sections of humanity in a blink.  We now face a similar far more systemic and malignant threat to our globe on an economic level.  We face the idea that we do not need each other. 

We imbibe the drink that one store can serve all our needs and that last year’s model should perform better and be less expensive.  So we receive last year’s model to perform better and be less expensive in the price tag, but at such a shadowed cost.  The stores of retirement, health care and time for families are dissolved, raped and shattered in the store fronts of every establishment of the middle class peering down in that triangle from the ticker symbol grins of publicly traded companies. 

Minimum wage means three jobs and the rent still doesn’t quite make it.  Minimum wage means that quarter pounder costs less.  Untaxed undocumented worker labor means Texas has cheap roofs and framed houses and thousands of look-alike plastic neighborhoods the men who built them will never live in.  Minimum wage means you get a multiple of thousand percent less than the guy who owns the place and the world puts a name tag of creator on him and gives a tax deduction at his house of worship so he can be all right with that. 

At what point does the world go on strike?  At what point does the world shift off fossil fuels and sees the Middle East in even greater division?  At what point does China lack the food from its agricultural middle flocking to cities find itself starving and ever militant?  At what point does America see its Boomers bursting bed pans and hip replacements and see Single-Payer as no longer negotiable?  At what point is a $50 Aspirin at the hospital no longer fucking hilarious?

At what point is a teacher no longer the enemy as if knowledge were no longer a threat.  For any of us to decide I have something better to do with my time than work to store grain for the winter for the grasshoppers of the globe.  At what point do we realize the riot is not with our guns or our blades but with our purchase decisions and so in the vile daggers of the triangle above. 

The apparent cheapest option for our emaciated bank accounts is the very option that leaves us starving.  So the world is set to wither to bone if not for those left with choice to choose where we buy, who we buy from and cast our lot with our local business owners whenever possible.  For a few cents more we are really saving not only money, but ourselves.  There are legal assurances we must continue to support and damming legislation we too must fend our survival against, however there is no better defense than those that can vote with our wallets. 

For those who cannot I understand, for those who can, choose.

Peace, love, we are all interconnected.  

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