Monday, April 22, 2013

My First Two Weeks Back…

I have worked thirteen hours a day for the past few weeks
At the start of fresh employment, plowing the rows from an un-tilled field
Left to weed over and clump after last season’s harvest by my terminated predecessor
The drawers are replete with superfluous papers printed and placed in troves

From six years or more ago until the beginning of this April
Where a man in his early sixties was replaced by a man in his mid-thirties
A Generation X'er for a Boomer and the source code in the computer is
Thankful for the exchange of fresh memory

Openness and exuberance that this prestidigitation of financial data
Accounting minutia and modern commerce is enthralling to those left wayside
To pant as vagabonds for a controlling leader to the chaos capable of penning in
The day’s events of marshaled hooligan transactions into alcoves of accountancy

The spider webs and dust have been white-washed in the synchronicity of
A young-man’s hunger to prove himself in front the other lions
Knowing what he is capable of is not for his pride, but for his sanity
The rural nomenclature of bucolic prisons was a pillory for bovine execution

I could no longer stand the scent of feces bombarding my olfactory processes
With the grievous taint of normality that this could be tolerated as mundane
That I am now empowered to spin Rumpelstiltskin's wheel and turn this sty of
Papers and electronic folder files into a gold-leafed accounting Valhalla

The department will taste my brain swollen from over half a day of thinking
In the pits of problems unaddressed for years and undocumented before Hurricane Katrina
And my exit from my New Orleans shall be my recompense
In the arms of my own fairy tale, I do return absent the softness of a voice

I will work these hours so that I may one day speak again
On a pace, in a place, that is of all things
Worth coming in a place I can call home

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