Saturday, April 27, 2013


The demons crank open the maws and power inside the skulls
Of the non-vigilant sneezers,
That is what Catholic school taught me
On some level that blessings were like weapons

Warding off the notion of the nothingness
With the specter of a war, between the omnipotent creator of all and his enemies
And God like Gandalf in Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings
Sounds like a real asshole

The white-wizard has the power to send hobbits on flying eagles
The whole way back, but makes them walk the way there
He could have helped, but chose not to
That is the default contingency of such a magician of the universe

So in that case I could see why the fallen-angels would be so upset
With a listless do-nothing in the face of such horrid abomination
So all these bless-you’s flying about in reaction to mucus catapults
I desist in full protest!

I will not say such phrases to my co-workers despite their compulsion
To say such for me; I would prefer silence
For after Google-searching the internet I can find little substitutes for an atheist
I am trying to teach my daughter and me to yell, “Sneeze” as an arbitrary counter phrase or

“What time is it?” “Sneeze-Time!”
As if this near-rendezvous for a future exorcism could be celebrated with playful gusto
It is as relevant as any of our other bodily reactions, science is problematic to ritual
For as time progresses the holes in ritual are tickled like a body in motion

That once set is bound to stay in motion unless acted upon by another force
And those of muted inertia, stoic in time do not move still
The stimulation does nothing, but have stone remain stone, yet
The nebula of the universe are in perpetual flux,

Whether one chooses to peer into the vast darkness or not

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