Sunday, February 15, 2015

The Dance Beyond Sight

Poetic superpowers tend to come from pain
The four pillars of foundational identity:
Gender, race, abuse, esteem
Poked and scourged with scalding brands

How ones sees oneself, the world spins
In the valuation system presented in the societal construction
Deconstructed on top of the personal
Like building material acid rain drops

Soaking into the essence of a being
Bubbling marrow into consciousness
That words become like armored bullets
To shoot oneself out of agony with blasts of tongue and pen

Resonating universal with what beats in the belly of stars
And reverberates in human blood like a soul link
That the surface of me was given this
The internal of me responds

Here, now, in poetry for a sparkling taste of universe
To linger from tongue to ear melting minds into a divine empathy
That from pain and pillars comes godly understanding
Of what we are, of why we are here
Of no justice, no equality, no balancing act of celestial paradise or perdition
But from these shadows comes enlightenment
Of what is more than this
Greater than the tactile into the eternal

Lacing the Atlas’ shouldered among us to be poets
To carve the pith of the human flower and paint us gods of love and fear
Juggling the scales of our moments in which will we choose
Holding the mirror of time’s fleeting blip of the species of human on Earth

To bear fruit to the universe before extinction
That we were here and bore the crop of volition
Rooting love or fear not as paragon but as flawed worker of the land
Dirty hands nesting seed in the soil of the altar of mindfulness

To be present; not to see this will be then, but to sow and harvest in the now
That for every giver there is a receiver in either aid or hindrance
Cascading from love or fear; this is the superpower of poets
To explain the dance beyond sight   

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