Sunday, February 15, 2015

Shadow Games

Idea of you please do not vanish on me
I have had too many recently
Human images of cyberspace connection
Words in alcoves of characters arranged linked to prolific photograph bios

The surmise in the timeline of first impressions a rye
A seed not carefully placed, too much time in the interim
The wind scuffles logistics and quick slips
The fork in the road into a ditch muddied and impersonal

No explanations just deflated and dehumanized in the remainder
Of meeting or not; of speaking behind walls of offering any resemblance of real
Implying the potential for judgment like an abrupt jerk of the steering wheel into a tree
Or be that immaculate malleable clay of the generic as long as possible

Hold out from being anything other than cheek bones and ass lined into biceps and breasts
Posturing in gun downs of who will get the other to divulge first so that one
Can choose to morph or hold hostage the information that inevitably
One will be hunter and one hunted based on who puts more meat in the fire

Burning, scalding so that someone might be able to feed
Hoping a commensurate offering will be made in the dynamic
Knowing quantity and quality are not equitable but dancing haughty breathes
That usually one splays both from the lungs and blood stream so that sheets are soaked wildly humble

That human is on the table and someone eats
Feasts and in the gastronomic postulation of a response
Says nothing
Does not sign the bill or leave a tip

Shame, arrogance, confidence, Atlas holds the world with how humans exchange weights
Passed in how a person is valued one scurrying to give marrow
For anyone who will drink, because vampires are always thirsty and the best humans
Have trouble making conversation in the shadows when one is exposed and the other

Is so comfortable slathered in darkness leaving the appearance of open
When their essence was never vulnerable or offered only the tantalizing specter
That lends a lover to dream a dashed heart’s lament
Please, be not this, be better, let the idea of you stay, materialize, touch me

And I will do my best to return the favor

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