Sunday, February 15, 2015

Cosmic Magnetism

Sometimes when I think of you
I feel like a fifteen year old boy, naïvely hopeful  
I think of your soul like the other part of me
I have looked for over and over again for infinite lifetimes

The journey of finding and losing and searching
So much searching for how we each reconfigure
I ponder the trade of roles
If we are destined to connect for only breaths

The nature of one at any moment must be to explode like a star
Radiating the energy of fusion, bursting in common essence
So that this theater of time we play
Is but the blinking of eyelids slowly lowering and rising

The view transforming with each iteration witnessed
Recalling nothing but the lingering emotive scent
That we have been here before somehow, somewhere
Within each other intimate with this atomic ballet

So it is even though I do not see or hear you, I feel you
I feel you as close like the nascent faith of a fifteen year old boy
Blooming unfettered from love’s untainted innocence
Expressing what one feels when soaking in the consciousness of a fellow divine being

So in each lifetime I find you and the gravity of life forces our volition foul
I remain evoked into a compass-like focus
For wherever you are, my thoughts are never too far
Wondering how this can be; if insanity, desperation, self-respect bear meaning any longer

How I wish to have the true darkness of forget
To erase the eons of memory of your essence vibrating like the stardust
From which we each were made so many reformations ago
For this intimacy only sharpens the blade of this cosmic distance

Slicing time into splinters of shrapnel sinking beneath my skin
Infesting my body into a razor’s edge of detonation
Flowing in all directions deeming this body meaningless
Carving open the nature of this soul within me bursting in yellow nova

Calling for you in loving hope for an answer which like the boulder to Sisyphus
Home to Odysseus will never be to truly embrace that which we yearn 

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