Tuesday, October 22, 2013

End Space

If the world or one’s life is to end
Every human should have a human \
Every person should have a person
The logistics are suspect, but the illusions comforting

The assumptions of betrothals and conceptions
Life splintering into entrails of thought
That each mind has a space to imagine a face, a body
To cradle as the world disintegrates atomically

I still put you there
The shunts truncated and the roots hold in the autumn
Sun clouded and maligned that the passageways of glaciers melting
The inferno smelting the flesh clutched like a raft

Through these oceans of blindness keep crying out to a lioness
Of blue skies and purple sheets knowing so little beats indiscriminant
Matriculation and employment shift and the devils of Texas blurt
Obscenities like the whips that drive slave ships

To the definitions of making-a-living knowing neither of us chose in each other
Or the children or the stance that this was sustainable and yet in this crucible
As I bear to burst the manacles of extrication of a decade at sea
I would choose you to be that person

Currents and obstacles and I wanted the simple drive of midnight
To fall asleep in arms of straw and brick mortared in the skin of forget
The blood on the floor and the rubber in the driveway shredded in marks
That we ever had a chance as if angels or devils exist

So we are drawn to argument and the tangent becomes perpendicular in the cross
The black and the white fade into the fog of where ships harbor
America seems so distant in the apocalypse, but I dreamed about you again last night
Knowing I need another face, spark, driveway to imagine 

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