Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Dispassionate Zero

I am not ok, no matter how many times you ask
Inquiring only reminds me of the futility of wanting, trying, doing
Do not ask about me; let me die like armadillo innards
Strewn and viable for the carrion

I am exhausted and the closest replica of an antidote is love
To which remains an enigma as the sentiment is reciprocation
Rather than a numerator offered over null
So that the universe implodes when computing above a void

However fractional concern bears a percentage to be flipped like a multiple
Into a logarithm that bears value in times of extrapolation, yet when starkly neutered
By the dispassionate zero rather than even the loving in hatred
That concern was a predecessor for one to matter so in the line to the other

To flip the absolute valuation of a numeral other than nil 
Into an urge to be something variant than infinite apathy soaked into opaque ambivalence
Die, live, believe, to reside in the castigation of a non-look, the banishment of history
Eradicated in the mirror midnights of blackbirds flown into the epoxy of forget

So that memories are fed vampire-blood like rain drizzling through lips
So that death is spun into a web of the living and that progress is regress
Breathing is decomposing; the days were accounted previously so that each
Is consumed like an island castaway’s ration knowing death previously occurred

Oblivion is no sanctuary and hope is oblation to a nonexistent deity as atheism is mouthwash
Swishing into incisors as synthetic as any notion a man every had that he ever felt love
Returned like a volley of what it means to offer a human a margin of error in forever
That to extract such would be the vital organ of knowledge so that life forces redefining 

Or even the idea in a moment, a single-instance of requirement that one would fight
One would protest the cessation as to why a lover was befitting the notion of loved
In an equation with a voided denominator and a numerator redefining the basis of being
Into a split fraction of self so that a piece remains null so that the remainder can function

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