Saturday, August 27, 2016

Fencing and eye scars

Do you like me?
            What kind of question is that?
Do you like me?
                        We both know the answer.

The answer doesn’t matter; it’s how you react to being asked.
That’s the question inside of the question.
It’s not a trick.  I am not trying to manipulate you. 
I just want to be human here.

That human instinct to run that we all have
That flinch crimp snare of having to follow through
On whatever words you might answer the question with
That is where the reaction crests

None of us want to be asked and none of us really want to ask
Or hear the answer.
That’s modern cell phone facebook text don’t call distance kept
What romance has become

Coquettish ballet, trying to play when you need to be played with
Because all this hiding is bullshit; we all see through it
You do; I do
So if you want to answer verbally do or do not, but

The reaction is  

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